Created on 01/02/2007 • 1165 Posts & 76 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- thread My husband told me that whenever Sofearra logs in the guys in the guild go "Boobies!" so I should do something for her topless. I'm a prude 15 years ago
- thread I've done really pretty much *NOTHING* art-like in a long time; between RL, the weather getting better, dance lessons/recitals, etc etc etc. 15 years ago
- thread I've been taking lots of pics of the gorgeous scenery as I've been hiking since the weather's improved *glares at the current rainstorm* and 15 years ago
- thread Hiya, I am currently applying for another position within my company and one of the requirements is knowledge of Pagemaker. I know **noth 16 years ago
- thread [URL]http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6498405&page=1[/URL] People disgust me, sometimes. F'realz :no 16 years ago
- thread My THIRTEEN YEAR OLD daughter Jen believes she's totally in love with this new boy in her life, Justin. They spent a lot of time together th 16 years ago
- thread Lookit, a candy corn bird!! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v489/Darsa/untitled-1.jpg[/IMG] :teehee 16 years ago
- thread Heh, guildmate wants a sig and magelo for his wife; He sent me a screenshot of her character: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v489/ 16 years ago
- thread So. Yeah, that's me. Supah-fatass. I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore. My daughter is this 13 year old with a mo 16 years ago