Who ya know on TAC? IRL nobody, but I consider most here as people I know on TAC.

What brought you here? I saw one of Roz's sigs on another message board, loved it, and followed the link on the sig.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) No, not personally. Chatted a few times on AIM. No hating, but I'm sure I've annoyed her a time or two with my lame questions.

What games ya played? EQ, EQ2, WWIIOL, CoH, WoW, Guild Wars
Do you art? Yes, not as much as I used to, but I don't post it anymore....I really should though.
Do you write? No
Like to read, if so, what? I'm not big on reading...unless it's about art or tutorials on how to do art stuff.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) I did the first one...I'm not a good writer, so I haven't done one since.
Do you post regularly? I try to.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? As dear? Well friends are friends. I guess that's a yes.
What are you listening to –right now-? Howard Stern (whoever said they were listening to someone talk about the half lady on Discovery...I watched that last night too.

What was the last book you read? I don't remember.
What was the last movie you saw? Theater - Jarhead, Bought - Mr. & Mrs. Smith (both not great movies.)
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true My GF's son went through this phase where he played with his own poop. He put some on the wall one day, and when I got home from work, my GF was so upset with his latest art on the wall. She apparently missed one little spot, and he pointed to it and said "dasha". I asked my GF "Is this what he calls poop now...dasha?" She had no clue. Later that night we were watching Land Before Time...and he pointed at the TV and said, "DASHA! DASHA!" I looked at her and started laughing. She quickly figured it out. That poo on the wall looked like a Dinosaur to him. I guess this is something you had to be there for...but it's a story, and it's true.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Sanders - Math - He called himself "Black Beauty". Always full of energy, and a very smart guy.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Anything clean that my GF hasn't taken out of my drawer. I guess it would be just one of my Old Navy print shirts. It's good an broke-in.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Mr. T's gold chains will not stop the nuclear warhead made from a tampon and tin foil. McGuyver 4TW.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Pretty tame up until high school....then I became a retard.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I'm afraid of heights, and drowning or burning to death.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Yes. I had a "low-rider" truck. I was coming back from college, and I was on a two lane highway. This squirell didn't know which way to go so he stopped in the middle of the highway. Back and forth he went...then he froze. I tried to drive right over the top of him/her, so I wouldn't run it over, but apparently it stuck it's head up as I was passing over it. I heard a THUNK! I looked in the mirror, and he was spinning in the highway. I felt really bad about it.

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Great question....too bad I don't have a good answer.
Favorite color? Black because it goes with anything. Green is another good color.
Favorite cartoon character? Snake Eyes from GI Joe.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Whereever there is REAL castles...Scotland maybe? I have a weird fascination for midevil times / castles, etc.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right.
How is the weather right now? Cold....and I hate it.