Getting to know you

So I figure, the board has been open now for 2 1/2 years now. Originally, as some of you know and were present for, this was a hate board for Everquest's Solusek Ro. That lasted a week =x My bandwidth went apeshit and I had to disable the board, thus Solrorage was born. That's another story though.

So 2 1/2 years down the line, the board has seen game art for EQ, EQ2, COH and Wow with a few other's mixed in. Then we had a migration of sorts from another art board, which will remain nameless and over the past 6 months or so, seen a lot of newer people that were friends of friends come over. So ultimately the board has become more than an eq art board and into a full blown community. I've had old friends come through commenting on how diverse the board is now mixed in with 'who the hell is that?' =D So I figured, why not do a 'who are you' type post?

Who ya be?
Who ya know on TAC?
What brought you here?
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
What games ya played?
Do you art?
Do you write?
Like to read, if so, what?
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?

Consider some of those questions when posting about yourself. Think of a few to ask the next person as well.

I expect EVERYONE to do this. =D

Rikr 19 years ago
Who ya be? Rikr, Turco...aka Don
Who ya know on TAC? IRL nobody, but I consider most here as people I know on TAC.
What brought you here? I saw one of Roz's sigs on another message board, loved it, and followed the link on the sig.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) No, not personally. Chatted a few times on AIM. No hating, but I'm sure I've annoyed her a time or two with my lame questions.
What games ya played? EQ, EQ2, WWIIOL, CoH, WoW, Guild Wars
Do you art? Yes, not as much as I used to, but I don't post it anymore....I really should though.
Do you write? No
Like to read, if so, what? I'm not big on reading...unless it's about art or tutorials on how to do art stuff.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) I did the first one...I'm not a good writer, so I haven't done one since.
Do you post regularly? I try to.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? As dear? Well friends are friends. I guess that's a yes.
What are you listening to –right now-? Howard Stern (whoever said they were listening to someone talk about the half lady on Discovery...I watched that last night too. )
What was the last book you read? I don't remember.
What was the last movie you saw? Theater - Jarhead, Bought - Mr. & Mrs. Smith (both not great movies.)
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true My GF's son went through this phase where he played with his own poop. He put some on the wall one day, and when I got home from work, my GF was so upset with his latest art on the wall. She apparently missed one little spot, and he pointed to it and said "dasha". I asked my GF "Is this what he calls poop now...dasha?" She had no clue. Later that night we were watching Land Before Time...and he pointed at the TV and said, "DASHA! DASHA!" I looked at her and started laughing. She quickly figured it out. That poo on the wall looked like a Dinosaur to him. I guess this is something you had to be there for...but it's a story, and it's true.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Sanders - Math - He called himself "Black Beauty". Always full of energy, and a very smart guy.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Anything clean that my GF hasn't taken out of my drawer. I guess it would be just one of my Old Navy print shirts. It's good an broke-in.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Mr. T's gold chains will not stop the nuclear warhead made from a tampon and tin foil. McGuyver 4TW.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Pretty tame up until high school....then I became a retard.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I'm afraid of heights, and drowning or burning to death.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Yes. I had a "low-rider" truck. I was coming back from college, and I was on a two lane highway. This squirell didn't know which way to go so he stopped in the middle of the highway. Back and forth he went...then he froze. I tried to drive right over the top of him/her, so I wouldn't run it over, but apparently it stuck it's head up as I was passing over it. I heard a THUNK! I looked in the mirror, and he was spinning in the highway. I felt really bad about it.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Great question....too bad I don't have a good answer.
Favorite color? Black because it goes with anything. Green is another good color.
Favorite cartoon character? Snake Eyes from GI Joe.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Whereever there is REAL castles...Scotland maybe? I have a weird fascination for midevil times / castles, etc.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right.
How is the weather right now? Cold....and I hate it.
Gilae 19 years ago
Who ya be? Gilae also known as Ruth
Who ya know on TAC? pretty much everyone...but I'm another person from SolRo who also happens to pretend to do art
What brought you here? When I started posting on different EQ websites and seeing all the sigs I thought "hey, I can do that"...and then I saw Mae's work and I thought "hey, I've gotta learn to do that better" so I went to her website
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? I know Mae purty gud. No hate...the occasional disagreement I guess. (Mae, you were really putting yourself out on a limb asking that question hehe)
What games ya played? EQ, CoH, WoW, Sims
Do you art? I reckon I do.
Do you write? My name, with a one of those super fat red pencils.
Like to read, if so, what? mostly the classics but I'll read just about anything
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) yes, once
Do you post regularly? heh, what's my post count up to now?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Truthfully, almost every one of my closest friends I met online through some game or another...I don't seem to have as much in common with my old school rl friends...they don't raid enough
What are you listening to –right now-? Some asshole's cell phone and general 'office' noises.
What was the last book you read? The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams
What was the last movie you saw? Harry Potter at the theatre, and I can't remember the name of the movie I saw last night...some old movie about an alien
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I once tried to ride a tricycle down a flight of cement stairs and made it all the way to the bottom...where I promptly rolled over the handlebars and faceplanted on the concrete. I have a scar over my eye as proof.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? My music teacher, Ms Shen...she was chinese but had blonde hair which she swore up and down was the result of allergies to shampoo. Regardless, the woman was smart and ruthless. I regularly wonder what she's up to these days.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. I just bought one which I haven't been able to wear yet cause I'm so pregnant...but it says I <3 nerds.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Mr. T would bitch slap McGuyver with a handfull of gold before McGuyver could reach for his bomb made out of a mattress spring and a used condom.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was a mouthy know-it-all. Still am. It's not my fault that I'm so clever.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I hate spiders...but I'm not superstious. Superstious implies a certain amount of unfounded paranoia. Demons exist damnit!
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Once A squirrel ran under my cavalier when I was about 19 and the moulding under the car caught him at the neck and snapped it. I heard it go click. It was very sad. Damned suicidal squirrels.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? I think this question should read "WHERE is it that you put something into your mouth?" cause I have tons of really good answers for that
Favorite color? Red
Favorite cartoon character? Timmay! or possibly Frylock
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Paris
Are you right handed or left handed? right handed
How is the weather right now? It's a beautiful snowy day
Gilae 19 years ago
Who ya be? Gilae also known as Ruth
Who ya know on TAC? pretty much everyone...but I'm another person from SolRo who also happens to pretend to do art
What brought you here? When I started posting on different EQ websites and seeing all the sigs I thought "hey, I can do that"...and then I saw Mae's work and I thought "hey, I've gotta learn to do that better" so I went to her website
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? I know Mae purty gud. No hate...the occasional disagreement I guess. (Mae, you were really putting yourself out on a limb asking that question hehe)
What games ya played? EQ, CoH, WoW, Sims
Do you art? I reckon I do.
Do you write? My name, with a one of those super fat red pencils.
Like to read, if so, what? mostly the classics but I'll read just about anything
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) yes, once
Do you post regularly? heh, what's my post count up to now?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Truthfully, almost every one of my closest friends I met online through some game or another...I don't seem to have as much in common with my old school rl friends...they don't raid enough
What are you listening to –right now-? Some asshole's cell phone and general 'office' noises.
What was the last book you read? The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams
What was the last movie you saw? Harry Potter at the theatre, and I can't remember the name of the movie I saw last night...some old movie about an alien
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I once tried to ride a tricycle down a flight of cement stairs and made it all the way to the bottom...where I promptly rolled over the handlebars and faceplanted on the concrete. I have a scar over my eye as proof.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? My music teacher, Ms Shen...she was chinese but had blonde hair which she swore up and down was the result of allergies to shampoo. Regardless, the woman was smart and ruthless. I regularly wonder what she's up to these days.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. I just bought one which I haven't been able to wear yet cause I'm so pregnant...but it says I <3 nerds.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Mr. T would bitch slap McGuyver with a handfull of gold before McGuyver could reach for his bomb made out of a mattress spring and a used condom.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was a mouthy know-it-all. Still am. It's not my fault that I'm so clever.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I hate spiders...but I'm not superstious. Superstious implies a certain amount of unfounded paranoia. Demons exist damnit!
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Once A squirrel ran under my cavalier when I was about 19 and the moulding under the car caught him at the neck and snapped it. I heard it go click. It was very sad. Damned suicidal squirrels.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? I think this question should read "WHERE is it that you put something into your mouth?" cause I have tons of really good answers for that
Favorite color? Red
Favorite cartoon character? Timmay! or possibly Frylock
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Paris
Are you right handed or left handed? right handed
How is the weather right now? It's a beautiful snowy day
Gilae 19 years ago
Haha, me and Rik's animalo accidents are almost the same
Gilae 19 years ago
Haha, me and Rik's animalo accidents are almost the same
Mileron 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mike
Who ya know on TAC? I talk to Roz/Mae regularly on IM, and have at some points talked to Billie/Verileah, but IM Calimaryn and Kaytana constantly, incessantly, and often, have talked to Cali on the phone, and have visited Kaytana in Texas.
What brought you here? Kaytana linked it to me, then one day Roz PM'ed me and said "you're registered, now POST DAMMIT"
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Kinda, no.
What games ya played? ATS TrekMUSH, Otherspace, The Realm, Diablo/2, EQ, AO, E&B, Matrix Online, CoH, EVE, SWG, WoW
Do you art? I try
Do you write? Infinitely more often than I art, and I'm much better at it
Like to read, if so, what? Yup. Sci-fi, fantasy, HP
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Once.
Do you post regularly? Yup. At least daily.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yup.
Okay, questions from me:
What are you listening to –right now-? People bitching about how stupid some of my company's customers are. Oh and the air conditioner's really loud.
What was the last book you read? Stroke of Moonlight, Meredith Gentry book 4, by Laurell K. Hamilton
What was the last movie you saw? In the theatre? Goblet of Fire. At home? Demolition Man.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true. I hate watching Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home anymore, because it just makes me cry and wish that the technology Dr. McCoy carries with him into Mercy Hospital were available to fix my dad.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why?None of my teachers impressed me the way some people describe. I've had some that I thought were pretty neat people but none of them helped bring anything out in me that made me want to fixate on that exact subject.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Don't have one at the moment, because I really only wear them to bed. There's a tossup between an old Aeropostale shirt and a Handspring shirt.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) O'Neill.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Very tame.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? Phobias, no, not that I can really think of. Maybe I'm afraid of my dad dying. But I know I'm superstitious about speaking things out loud. "Oh, it's not raining today." then WOOSH! rain. "Dammit, you KNOW BETTER than to say that!"
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I personally ran over a few unavoidable pre-killed road pancakes. But I do recall a trip to Reading once where we hit a baby owl in our full-sized Bronco doing about 80.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Brussel sprouts are pretty strange.
Favorite Color? Blue.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Optimus Prime?
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Texas.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right, for all things except scratching my nose. My left gets a much better angle when turning the tissue.
How is the weather right now? 45 and Cloudy. Though the last few days of this week were over 60.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Mileron 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mike
Who ya know on TAC? I talk to Roz/Mae regularly on IM, and have at some points talked to Billie/Verileah, but IM Calimaryn and Kaytana constantly, incessantly, and often, have talked to Cali on the phone, and have visited Kaytana in Texas.
What brought you here? Kaytana linked it to me, then one day Roz PM'ed me and said "you're registered, now POST DAMMIT"
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Kinda, no.
What games ya played? ATS TrekMUSH, Otherspace, The Realm, Diablo/2, EQ, AO, E&B, Matrix Online, CoH, EVE, SWG, WoW
Do you art? I try
Do you write? Infinitely more often than I art, and I'm much better at it
Like to read, if so, what? Yup. Sci-fi, fantasy, HP
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Once.
Do you post regularly? Yup. At least daily.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yup.
Okay, questions from me:
What are you listening to –right now-? People bitching about how stupid some of my company's customers are. Oh and the air conditioner's really loud.
What was the last book you read? Stroke of Moonlight, Meredith Gentry book 4, by Laurell K. Hamilton
What was the last movie you saw? In the theatre? Goblet of Fire. At home? Demolition Man.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true. I hate watching Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home anymore, because it just makes me cry and wish that the technology Dr. McCoy carries with him into Mercy Hospital were available to fix my dad.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why?None of my teachers impressed me the way some people describe. I've had some that I thought were pretty neat people but none of them helped bring anything out in me that made me want to fixate on that exact subject.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Don't have one at the moment, because I really only wear them to bed. There's a tossup between an old Aeropostale shirt and a Handspring shirt.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) O'Neill.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Very tame.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? Phobias, no, not that I can really think of. Maybe I'm afraid of my dad dying. But I know I'm superstitious about speaking things out loud. "Oh, it's not raining today." then WOOSH! rain. "Dammit, you KNOW BETTER than to say that!"
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I personally ran over a few unavoidable pre-killed road pancakes. But I do recall a trip to Reading once where we hit a baby owl in our full-sized Bronco doing about 80.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Brussel sprouts are pretty strange.
Favorite Color? Blue.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Optimus Prime?
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Texas.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right, for all things except scratching my nose. My left gets a much better angle when turning the tissue.
How is the weather right now? 45 and Cloudy. Though the last few days of this week were over 60.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Crazy people, I was just joking when I put in the 'Do you know mae and did we hate each other question!' NO I don't hate anyone, not even Drae or Runyan (who yes I've called pumpkin on skype because he's adorable when he's not mean =D ) It was a joke that stems back to my not exactly nice behavior in EQ when I transitioned from my druid Caitlinn to Maelarya. Not only did I do it because I liked being a cleric, but it was born out of necessity - ie I went underground to avoid hate =x Hell I did free sigs for Triad to alleviate the hate.


The answers cracked me up and honestly I value everyone as a cool bean friend who hangs out here.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Crazy people, I was just joking when I put in the 'Do you know mae and did we hate each other question!' NO I don't hate anyone, not even Drae or Runyan (who yes I've called pumpkin on skype because he's adorable when he's not mean =D ) It was a joke that stems back to my not exactly nice behavior in EQ when I transitioned from my druid Caitlinn to Maelarya. Not only did I do it because I liked being a cleric, but it was born out of necessity - ie I went underground to avoid hate =x Hell I did free sigs for Triad to alleviate the hate.


The answers cracked me up and honestly I value everyone as a cool bean friend who hangs out here.
Calimaryn 19 years ago
Who ya be? Cali - aka Calimaryn, Calimayrn & Nyramilac from gaming; Nyra, Cyrus, Suki & Bertrand on SA
Who ya know on TAC? Well: Mileron. Acquaintances: SA people who I dont know whos who.
What brought you here? Followed a linky from NS.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Kinda and I dont think so
What games ya played? UO-Atlantic, EQ-Veeshan, WoW-Cenarius, EQ2-Guk, CoH & CoV-Triumph, Kingdom of Loathing, Puzzle Pirates - Sage, Neopets
Do you art? Feeblely
Do you write? I try but generally dont share much.
Like to read, if so, what? SciFi, Romance, pr0n
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Once, but I dont really like voting people off so I doubt I will play again.
Do you post regularly? Not really. /lurk activate!
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Definately!
What are you listening to –right now-? My work laptop mix songs from the Tartan Terrors or Three Pints Shy. CD's from the PA and NY Renissance Faires respectively. (Im 'working' from home)
What was the last book you read? Born to be BAD by Sherrilyn Kenyon
What was the last movie you saw? Goblet of Fire.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true. I met my hubby on the first day of playing UO, we were friends for 2 years before meeting.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? My college Anthropology teacher because he made it so interesting.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Uh I dont have a specific favorite one, possibly one of LB's that I stole 6 years ago and sleep in, its grey now with a pepsi logo on the left breast. It has been washed so much its holey!
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) McGuyver of course.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Child I was ok but being the youngest of two made me scream a lot which got me into trouble. Teen I wasnt as bad as my sister but wasnt 'good'.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No, I dont think so.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I had a bird fly into my car's grill once. Otherwise I slow down and avoid all animals, even roadkill.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Jeeze, Im always putting things in my mouth. I think the stranges would be jewelery making beads as I was creating a necklace or something.
Favorite Color? Burgandy
Favorite Cartoon Character? Tommy Pickles!
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Scotland definately.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed
How is the weather right now? Sunny but cool and supposed to snow sometime today.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Rice & Beans
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? I wou7ld like to win $300million from the lottery plx! Saturday if possible.

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Calimaryn 19 years ago
Who ya be? Cali - aka Calimaryn, Calimayrn & Nyramilac from gaming; Nyra, Cyrus, Suki & Bertrand on SA
Who ya know on TAC? Well: Mileron. Acquaintances: SA people who I dont know whos who.
What brought you here? Followed a linky from NS.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Kinda and I dont think so
What games ya played? UO-Atlantic, EQ-Veeshan, WoW-Cenarius, EQ2-Guk, CoH & CoV-Triumph, Kingdom of Loathing, Puzzle Pirates - Sage, Neopets
Do you art? Feeblely
Do you write? I try but generally dont share much.
Like to read, if so, what? SciFi, Romance, pr0n
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Once, but I dont really like voting people off so I doubt I will play again.
Do you post regularly? Not really. /lurk activate!
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Definately!
What are you listening to –right now-? My work laptop mix songs from the Tartan Terrors or Three Pints Shy. CD's from the PA and NY Renissance Faires respectively. (Im 'working' from home)
What was the last book you read? Born to be BAD by Sherrilyn Kenyon
What was the last movie you saw? Goblet of Fire.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true. I met my hubby on the first day of playing UO, we were friends for 2 years before meeting.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? My college Anthropology teacher because he made it so interesting.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Uh I dont have a specific favorite one, possibly one of LB's that I stole 6 years ago and sleep in, its grey now with a pepsi logo on the left breast. It has been washed so much its holey!
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) McGuyver of course.
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Child I was ok but being the youngest of two made me scream a lot which got me into trouble. Teen I wasnt as bad as my sister but wasnt 'good'.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No, I dont think so.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I had a bird fly into my car's grill once. Otherwise I slow down and avoid all animals, even roadkill.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Jeeze, Im always putting things in my mouth. I think the stranges would be jewelery making beads as I was creating a necklace or something.
Favorite Color? Burgandy
Favorite Cartoon Character? Tommy Pickles!
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Scotland definately.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed
How is the weather right now? Sunny but cool and supposed to snow sometime today.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Rice & Beans
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? I wou7ld like to win $300million from the lottery plx! Saturday if possible.

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Sergon 19 years ago
Answers to the newer questions

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Australia or New Zealand
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed
How is the weather right now? Sunny and 46
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Sushi
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Playing Professional Golf
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Pan Seared Tuna with veggies also Love making Home Made Fettuccine Alfredo and Ceasar Salad.
Sergon 19 years ago
Answers to the newer questions

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Australia or New Zealand
Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed
How is the weather right now? Sunny and 46
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Sushi
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Playing Professional Golf
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Pan Seared Tuna with veggies also Love making Home Made Fettuccine Alfredo and Ceasar Salad.
Mai 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mai also known as Maewyn, Varias and others
Who ya know on TAC? Lots of people mostly from mafia and art
What brought you here? Mae drug me here ( I mean asked me to join)
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yeah and no. Not even the damn it she has my name hate.
What games ya played? Everquest, Everquest II, Warcraft, Diablo I and II, Anarchy Online, Guildwars, Dark Age of Camelot, Horizons, Never Winter Nights, and Darkstone..and probably others I've forgotten
Do you art? Yep or I try
Do you write? Yep or I try
Like to read, if so, what? Yep, lots of things fantasy, science fiction, mysteries, classics, whatever.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Yep
Do you post regularly? *eyes the filled crayon* Nah, I hardly say a thing.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Friends are friends, some friends online are closer than those I live near.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? I can't think of anything that I would eat that often. Hmm Thai food Basil chicken or something I suppose
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? selling artwork

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Sometimes, and Rosemary Chicken or Fajitas
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
Do you still want to be it?
Mai 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mai also known as Maewyn, Varias and others
Who ya know on TAC? Lots of people mostly from mafia and art
What brought you here? Mae drug me here ( I mean asked me to join)
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yeah and no. Not even the damn it she has my name hate.
What games ya played? Everquest, Everquest II, Warcraft, Diablo I and II, Anarchy Online, Guildwars, Dark Age of Camelot, Horizons, Never Winter Nights, and Darkstone..and probably others I've forgotten
Do you art? Yep or I try
Do you write? Yep or I try
Like to read, if so, what? Yep, lots of things fantasy, science fiction, mysteries, classics, whatever.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Yep
Do you post regularly? *eyes the filled crayon* Nah, I hardly say a thing.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Friends are friends, some friends online are closer than those I live near.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? I can't think of anything that I would eat that often. Hmm Thai food Basil chicken or something I suppose
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? selling artwork

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Sometimes, and Rosemary Chicken or Fajitas
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
Do you still want to be it?
Verileah 19 years ago
Since we're sharing...

What are you listening to –right now-?

I have sneaker pimps cranked up as loud as I can. It makes a nice sound track for my coworkers running around

What was the last book you read?

In a fit of sleeplessness I read the complete Grimm Fairy Tales a couple of nights ago.

It didn’t help me sleep, that’s some sick shit right there

What was the last movie you saw?

Harry Potter 4

Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true

I was the only person in my family brave enough to stand on the very top of the leaning tower of Piza. My 9 year old mind believed it was criminal of the others to waste the opportunity.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why?

David is my favorite teacher *smiles* but of teachers that actually taught me in a classroom…

Elementary school:
Mrs. Matthews, one of the most compassionate and kind women I have ever met in my life.

Middle School:
Mrs. Buzzelli, my social studies teacher and one of the only teachers who seemed to understand.

High School:
Mrs. Hrebiniak, my 11th grade English teacher, who…shit I’m going girly. She was just a very decent person who thought books were important and students even moreso.

Hal Taylor, pimp daddy extraordinaire, who taught me illustrator

Describe your favorite t-shirt. I don’t own many tee shirts. I have a red long sleeved tee that is very soft and is long enough that when I lift up my arms you don’t see a strip of skin, without looking like a tent on me.

In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)

I was always fairly unimpressed by both :\

Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?

I was a well behaved child

Do you have any superstitions or phobias?

Too many to list O_o. I have a ‘thing’ about people touching my feet.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car?

Yeah, I flattened a rabbit once

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?

Someone once tried to make a pipe…of sorts…out of tin foil. That was odd.

Honestly for being an extremely orally fixated person I’m quite picky about what goes in my mouth.

Favorite color?


Favorite cartoon character?

Goodness…Dexter? I never watched a lot of cartoons

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I’d like to go out to the middle of some desert and wander for a bit.

Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed

How is the weather right now?

Too cold for my tastes.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?

Peanut butter and jelly. I have yet to grow tired of it.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?

Lottery. I’m a lazy bastard

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?

I don’t really cook. I like baking sometimes…not very good at that either. Hmm…I like making scrambled eggs and rice but only because I get to eat it afterwards. If someone else made it I would be just as happy.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?

I asked for a pound puppy for my birthday when I turned 6, and for a variety of reasons ended up with a stuffed Ewok instead. Ashamed of my initial disappointment, I gave that Ewok all the love I had in my ickle 6 year old heart.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a writer since...second grade I suppose.

Do you still want to be it?

I'm content with writing as a hobby.
Verileah 19 years ago
Since we're sharing...

What are you listening to –right now-?

I have sneaker pimps cranked up as loud as I can. It makes a nice sound track for my coworkers running around

What was the last book you read?

In a fit of sleeplessness I read the complete Grimm Fairy Tales a couple of nights ago.

It didn’t help me sleep, that’s some sick shit right there

What was the last movie you saw?

Harry Potter 4

Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true

I was the only person in my family brave enough to stand on the very top of the leaning tower of Piza. My 9 year old mind believed it was criminal of the others to waste the opportunity.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why?

David is my favorite teacher *smiles* but of teachers that actually taught me in a classroom…

Elementary school:
Mrs. Matthews, one of the most compassionate and kind women I have ever met in my life.

Middle School:
Mrs. Buzzelli, my social studies teacher and one of the only teachers who seemed to understand.

High School:
Mrs. Hrebiniak, my 11th grade English teacher, who…shit I’m going girly. She was just a very decent person who thought books were important and students even moreso.

Hal Taylor, pimp daddy extraordinaire, who taught me illustrator

Describe your favorite t-shirt. I don’t own many tee shirts. I have a red long sleeved tee that is very soft and is long enough that when I lift up my arms you don’t see a strip of skin, without looking like a tent on me.

In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)

I was always fairly unimpressed by both :\

Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?

I was a well behaved child

Do you have any superstitions or phobias?

Too many to list O_o. I have a ‘thing’ about people touching my feet.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car?

Yeah, I flattened a rabbit once

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?

Someone once tried to make a pipe…of sorts…out of tin foil. That was odd.

Honestly for being an extremely orally fixated person I’m quite picky about what goes in my mouth.

Favorite color?


Favorite cartoon character?

Goodness…Dexter? I never watched a lot of cartoons

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I’d like to go out to the middle of some desert and wander for a bit.

Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed

How is the weather right now?

Too cold for my tastes.

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?

Peanut butter and jelly. I have yet to grow tired of it.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?

Lottery. I’m a lazy bastard

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?

I don’t really cook. I like baking sometimes…not very good at that either. Hmm…I like making scrambled eggs and rice but only because I get to eat it afterwards. If someone else made it I would be just as happy.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?

I asked for a pound puppy for my birthday when I turned 6, and for a variety of reasons ended up with a stuffed Ewok instead. Ashamed of my initial disappointment, I gave that Ewok all the love I had in my ickle 6 year old heart.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a writer since...second grade I suppose.

Do you still want to be it?

I'm content with writing as a hobby.
Sarah 19 years ago
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?

I hit a dog that ran out on the expressway and busted my rim

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? daughter's pacifire after it fell on the floor

Favorite color?


Favorite cartoon character?


If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would backpack around Europe for like a month

Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed

How is the weather right now?

breezy and 62 with lows in the 30's

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?

hmmm...Tex-Mex of some kind, but I don't know which, probably fajitas

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?

I'd invent something that people can't seem to live with out (like post-its) and live off the roaylties alone

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?

I LOVE to cook. I will pretty much make anything, except venison or liver because they stink. I love to bake the most and have found decorating cakes to be my favorite thing though I only get to do it four times a year.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
I didn't really like stuffed animals that much, but I had a Punky Brewster doll that went everywhere with me. I'm told that up until four I carried a shaggy bunny around that I called Boom.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Vet

Do you still want to be it?

I stopped wanting to be a vet when I had to disect a frog in biology
Sarah 19 years ago
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?

I hit a dog that ran out on the expressway and busted my rim

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? daughter's pacifire after it fell on the floor

Favorite color?


Favorite cartoon character?


If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would backpack around Europe for like a month

Are you right handed or left handed?

Right handed

How is the weather right now?

breezy and 62 with lows in the 30's

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?

hmmm...Tex-Mex of some kind, but I don't know which, probably fajitas

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?

I'd invent something that people can't seem to live with out (like post-its) and live off the roaylties alone

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?

I LOVE to cook. I will pretty much make anything, except venison or liver because they stink. I love to bake the most and have found decorating cakes to be my favorite thing though I only get to do it four times a year.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
I didn't really like stuffed animals that much, but I had a Punky Brewster doll that went everywhere with me. I'm told that up until four I carried a shaggy bunny around that I called Boom.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Vet

Do you still want to be it?

I stopped wanting to be a vet when I had to disect a frog in biology
Jinheim 19 years ago
Who ya be? I am Jinheim, the one and only.
Who ya know on TAC? Almost everyone that played on solro, all the mafia players.
What brought you here? Mae made me a sig and I started looking at her board.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes and yes
What games ya played? EQ, DAOC, COH, WOW
Do you art? I did a very small amount of poser work.
Do you write? I play and write for mafia.
Like to read, if so, what? Yes, and I will read anything.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Yes, I've modded a few games as well.
Do you post regularly? Yes.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes.