Getting to know you

So I figure, the board has been open now for 2 1/2 years now. Originally, as some of you know and were present for, this was a hate board for Everquest's Solusek Ro. That lasted a week =x My bandwidth went apeshit and I had to disable the board, thus Solrorage was born. That's another story though.

So 2 1/2 years down the line, the board has seen game art for EQ, EQ2, COH and Wow with a few other's mixed in. Then we had a migration of sorts from another art board, which will remain nameless and over the past 6 months or so, seen a lot of newer people that were friends of friends come over. So ultimately the board has become more than an eq art board and into a full blown community. I've had old friends come through commenting on how diverse the board is now mixed in with 'who the hell is that?' =D So I figured, why not do a 'who are you' type post?

Who ya be?
Who ya know on TAC?
What brought you here?
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
What games ya played?
Do you art?
Do you write?
Like to read, if so, what?
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?

Consider some of those questions when posting about yourself. Think of a few to ask the next person as well.

I expect EVERYONE to do this. =D

Keriath 19 years ago
ho ya be? Keriath aka David
Who ya know on TAC? Anyone with a lifebringer sig
What brought you here? Sekret forum ;p
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) Yes was guilded with mae. And no don't think i ever hated mae
What games ya played? EQ, CoH, WoW, Daoc , UO and pretty much any game
Do you art? No
Do you write? No
Like to read, if so, what? yes. fantasy sci fi.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) no.
Do you post regularly? ehh not really
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Ehh some have become RL firends
What are you listening to –right now-? My roomate playing daoc and screaming into his mic on ventrilo
What was the last book you read? MACSOG
What was the last movie you saw? Aeon flux
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true:i killed terroist in afghainstan
Describe your favorite t-shirt. A punk rock tshirt i bought in austarila
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) macguyver. he is the man
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Horrible. i was the worst child.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?No
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?Yes senior prom. Brand new white grandam. Smacked a racoon on the way and had blood and shit all down the passanger side.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? A grasshopper in afghanistan for 20 bucks
Favorite color? Dark blue
Favorite cartoon character? Rikky tikky
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?Ibbiza
Are you right handed or left handed? right handed
How is the weather right now? Muggy ;/
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
Who ya be? Blackrabbit, pretty much everywhere. Kelagry on AIM, and Aishe on SA.
Who ya know on TAC? Roz, Verileah, Mai, and just about anyone who's been on SolRo.
What brought you here? Mafia... think it was Roz, posted on the Darkblood boards about Mafia and I decided to have a go. And got hooked.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? We were acquainted, and if I recall we got along passably well.
What games ya played? EQ, DAoC, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? At a kindergarten stick-figure-and-crayola level, yes.
Do you write? Constantly
Like to read, if so, what? Just about anything, preferably memoirs/biographies and fantasy.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) All the time. You've made a monster out of me.
Do you post regularly? No. I lurk regularly though.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Absolutely positively yes.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Would love to visit one of my very good friends from college, she's Japanese. Have had to pass on frequent offers because money ain't what it could be.
Are you right handed or left handed? I write with my right but do most other things easily with both hands. Certain things I only do left-handed as well.
How is the weather right now? Sunny and chilly
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Sushi, more than three times pls. Everyday would be nice.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? I'd be singing.
What are you listening to –right now-? I rarely listen to music. I usually just sing my own.
What was the last book you read? Re-reading People of the River
What was the last movie you saw? Harry Potter 4
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I trained the horse of a well-known film star, and often brought him to shows. The actor in question is the person who bought me most of my tack and riding apparel, partly because I needed it to show his horse, and partly as thanks for the job I was doing. I knew the guy for 3 years; although he didn't come to the barn a lot he was very nice and polite when he did, never rode himself, but came to every show to see how we did.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr Van Ackooy - had him for 6th grade reading and history. A very gifted teacher who truly made learning fun in every aspect, encouraged kids to laugh and have fun, and got me interested in ancient history. Also introduced me to the book Watership Down, which is where the name Blackrabbit comes from.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. A happy tree friends t-shirt with a picture of Cuddles the cute rabbit on it, about to stick a fork into an electric socket. *giggle*
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) I MacGuyver, hands down. I loved that guy!
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was always "the good one." My older brother was, and still is, "the bad one."
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I'm deathly afraid of almost every insect out there. Not a squeal-and-run fear, but a shaking cold-sweat won't-go-in-that-room-for-a-month fear.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I hit a deer a few summers ago.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? I licked a video card once. Does that count?
Favorite color? Blue, purple, green
Favorite Cartoon Character? Bill the Cat
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I love to cook, and have been doing fun stuff in my wok lately, so stir-fry ftw!
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? All of them. I was a stuffed-animal fanatic. They all had names and feelings and personalities. I could never choose one over another.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a singer.
Do you still want to be it? Desperately, but having a regular income to pay the bills has remained a priority

My question, unless it's been asked and I missed it. What are your offline hobbies? Mine are singing and acting (regional theatre), and I'm also a target archer and horseback archer with the SCA.
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
Who ya be? Blackrabbit, pretty much everywhere. Kelagry on AIM, and Aishe on SA.
Who ya know on TAC? Roz, Verileah, Mai, and just about anyone who's been on SolRo.
What brought you here? Mafia... think it was Roz, posted on the Darkblood boards about Mafia and I decided to have a go. And got hooked.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? We were acquainted, and if I recall we got along passably well.
What games ya played? EQ, DAoC, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? At a kindergarten stick-figure-and-crayola level, yes.
Do you write? Constantly
Like to read, if so, what? Just about anything, preferably memoirs/biographies and fantasy.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) All the time. You've made a monster out of me.
Do you post regularly? No. I lurk regularly though.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Absolutely positively yes.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Would love to visit one of my very good friends from college, she's Japanese. Have had to pass on frequent offers because money ain't what it could be.
Are you right handed or left handed? I write with my right but do most other things easily with both hands. Certain things I only do left-handed as well.
How is the weather right now? Sunny and chilly
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Sushi, more than three times pls. Everyday would be nice.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? I'd be singing.
What are you listening to –right now-? I rarely listen to music. I usually just sing my own.
What was the last book you read? Re-reading People of the River
What was the last movie you saw? Harry Potter 4
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I trained the horse of a well-known film star, and often brought him to shows. The actor in question is the person who bought me most of my tack and riding apparel, partly because I needed it to show his horse, and partly as thanks for the job I was doing. I knew the guy for 3 years; although he didn't come to the barn a lot he was very nice and polite when he did, never rode himself, but came to every show to see how we did.
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr Van Ackooy - had him for 6th grade reading and history. A very gifted teacher who truly made learning fun in every aspect, encouraged kids to laugh and have fun, and got me interested in ancient history. Also introduced me to the book Watership Down, which is where the name Blackrabbit comes from.
Describe your favorite t-shirt. A happy tree friends t-shirt with a picture of Cuddles the cute rabbit on it, about to stick a fork into an electric socket. *giggle*
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) I MacGuyver, hands down. I loved that guy!
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was always "the good one." My older brother was, and still is, "the bad one."
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I'm deathly afraid of almost every insect out there. Not a squeal-and-run fear, but a shaking cold-sweat won't-go-in-that-room-for-a-month fear.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I hit a deer a few summers ago.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? I licked a video card once. Does that count?
Favorite color? Blue, purple, green
Favorite Cartoon Character? Bill the Cat
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I love to cook, and have been doing fun stuff in my wok lately, so stir-fry ftw!
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? All of them. I was a stuffed-animal fanatic. They all had names and feelings and personalities. I could never choose one over another.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a singer.
Do you still want to be it? Desperately, but having a regular income to pay the bills has remained a priority

My question, unless it's been asked and I missed it. What are your offline hobbies? Mine are singing and acting (regional theatre), and I'm also a target archer and horseback archer with the SCA.
Mylec 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mylec on boards like these, Jeff in the RL
Who ya know on TAC? Most of the people that played on Sol Ro in EQ
What brought you here? Mae had told me about her site, but when the hate left for SolRoRage I spent most of my time there rather than coming here. I had too much hate to sling. At least it won me the only Hater of the Month award
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) Yes, and we never hated each other although we have had disagreements in the past. Just stupid stuff, though
What games ya played?The Realm, EQ, DAoC, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? I once saw a monkey that splashed paint on a canvas and they called that art. I think I can paint at that level. Other than that, no.
Do you write? Some
Like to read, if so, what? Lot of Medieval and fantasy stuff. Historical stuff as well.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No, cause I have no idea how it works.
Do you post regularly? No, but I will probably post more now that the hate is gone.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Before I die, I will see the Great Pyramid and the Valley of the Kings.
Are you right handed or left handed? Predominately right, but I am somewhat ambidextrous.
How is the weather right now? Cold
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Chinese food. 1 billion Chinamen cant be wrong.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Winning the lottery would be nice.
What are you listening to –right now-? An MP3 of a DJ Red Alert show.
What was the last book you read? I just reread book 10 of the Wheel of Time series so I could start book 11. I'm almost throught that now.
What was the last movie you saw? Not sure, it was one of the ones Rainee and I went to during the summer though. There are a few out now that we want to see.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: Rainee told me she wants Mae to come visit so I can videotape them in some hot girl-girl action. Its true, I tell you!!! (Don't worry Veb, I'll send you a copy!)
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr Davis was a history teacher at our high school. Funny as hell. Unfortunately, years later he was arrested for possession of kiddy porn. Guess he was funnier than we though
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Sadly enough, I dont really wear T-Shirts much anymore.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) McGuyver would win, but if the whole A-Team were they, I'd pity the fool!
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was the good one when I was young, but was the total bad boy went I was a teenager. Fortunately, I grew ou of that.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No superstitions. Phobias...I have a fear of drowning. Not in the conventional sense since I can swim well but like, falling through ice kinda thing. Dreams about that scare the crap out of me.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I hit a doe once.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Nothing that I can think of.
Favorite color? Blue and green.
Favorite Cartoon Character? None, really.
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I mainly cook with my wallet, but I do make a good spaghetti sauce.
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? Dont remember if I had a favorite. I do have stuffed turtles that Rainee got me that sit on top of my one computer monitor. She got me them cause she knows I'm a turtle freak. I have two as pets, and I am seriously considering a Sulcata tortoise
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a coroner. Hell, Quincy was the man! He always solved the mystery then showed up in court and nailed the bad guy! Plus he had all the hos.
Do you still want to be it? No, when I turned 10 I realized that wasn't really how it was
I'll stick to I.T. More money and less blood.

What are your offline hobbies? Golf, movies, music, computers, reading, working out (although not as regularly as I should ), traveling when I can.

My question would be...Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet. My answer would be Jesus.
Mylec 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mylec on boards like these, Jeff in the RL
Who ya know on TAC? Most of the people that played on Sol Ro in EQ
What brought you here? Mae had told me about her site, but when the hate left for SolRoRage I spent most of my time there rather than coming here. I had too much hate to sling. At least it won me the only Hater of the Month award
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) Yes, and we never hated each other although we have had disagreements in the past. Just stupid stuff, though
What games ya played?The Realm, EQ, DAoC, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? I once saw a monkey that splashed paint on a canvas and they called that art. I think I can paint at that level. Other than that, no.
Do you write? Some
Like to read, if so, what? Lot of Medieval and fantasy stuff. Historical stuff as well.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No, cause I have no idea how it works.
Do you post regularly? No, but I will probably post more now that the hate is gone.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Before I die, I will see the Great Pyramid and the Valley of the Kings.
Are you right handed or left handed? Predominately right, but I am somewhat ambidextrous.
How is the weather right now? Cold
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Chinese food. 1 billion Chinamen cant be wrong.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Winning the lottery would be nice.
What are you listening to –right now-? An MP3 of a DJ Red Alert show.
What was the last book you read? I just reread book 10 of the Wheel of Time series so I could start book 11. I'm almost throught that now.
What was the last movie you saw? Not sure, it was one of the ones Rainee and I went to during the summer though. There are a few out now that we want to see.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: Rainee told me she wants Mae to come visit so I can videotape them in some hot girl-girl action. Its true, I tell you!!! (Don't worry Veb, I'll send you a copy!)
Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr Davis was a history teacher at our high school. Funny as hell. Unfortunately, years later he was arrested for possession of kiddy porn. Guess he was funnier than we though
Describe your favorite t-shirt. Sadly enough, I dont really wear T-Shirts much anymore.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) McGuyver would win, but if the whole A-Team were they, I'd pity the fool!
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? I was the good one when I was young, but was the total bad boy went I was a teenager. Fortunately, I grew ou of that.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No superstitions. Phobias...I have a fear of drowning. Not in the conventional sense since I can swim well but like, falling through ice kinda thing. Dreams about that scare the crap out of me.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? I hit a doe once.
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Nothing that I can think of.
Favorite color? Blue and green.
Favorite Cartoon Character? None, really.
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I mainly cook with my wallet, but I do make a good spaghetti sauce.
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? Dont remember if I had a favorite. I do have stuffed turtles that Rainee got me that sit on top of my one computer monitor. She got me them cause she knows I'm a turtle freak. I have two as pets, and I am seriously considering a Sulcata tortoise
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a coroner. Hell, Quincy was the man! He always solved the mystery then showed up in court and nailed the bad guy! Plus he had all the hos.
Do you still want to be it? No, when I turned 10 I realized that wasn't really how it was
I'll stick to I.T. More money and less blood.

What are your offline hobbies? Golf, movies, music, computers, reading, working out (although not as regularly as I should ), traveling when I can.

My question would be...Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet. My answer would be Jesus.
Calimaryn 19 years ago
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? I too had a bunny that I sucked the felt ears off of. Lil blue bunny stayed with my mother when I left home. hehe
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Psychologist but then I decided I wanted to be an accountant.
Do you still want to be it? No, I am happy being an Excel Specialist.

What are your offline hobbies? Reading, Cooking, Beading, Sewing, going to Ren Faires, and occasionally golfing with my hubby though I still suck at that.

My question would be...Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet. Ghandi
Calimaryn 19 years ago
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? I too had a bunny that I sucked the felt ears off of. Lil blue bunny stayed with my mother when I left home. hehe
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Psychologist but then I decided I wanted to be an accountant.
Do you still want to be it? No, I am happy being an Excel Specialist.

What are your offline hobbies? Reading, Cooking, Beading, Sewing, going to Ren Faires, and occasionally golfing with my hubby though I still suck at that.

My question would be...Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet. Ghandi
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mae, Caitlinn, ROz or ROzbeans
Who ya know on TAC? I'd say about 99.9 percent of the regular members - either through playing EQ on SolRo or through other friends I've met on various other boards where I whored my board out =D
What brought you here? The fact that I was paying for the site and bandwidth? =D
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) This was a joke questions =x but I noticed that most of my good friends, I've had issues with at one point. Good friendships are born of hate, I don't care what you say!
What games ya played? EQ for 6 years, WOW, COH, other pc games like SIMS2 or my new one The Movies
Do you art? Eh, I try, but I'm no l33t artist by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy the hell out of POSER and made some decent cash doing EQ sigs.
Do you write? Since I was about 16.
Like to read, if so, what? I used to read a lot but it's tapered some. I usually reread old books. I hate committing to new ones.

Do you post regularly? /coughs and looks at post count
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Being in the military most of my life, the internet has really helped me keep in touch with old friends and make some extremely good new ones. If Vex invited me to her wedding (not saying you're getting married, just HYPOTHETICAL!) I'd go, not that her bf would welcome me or anything.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Somewhere warm where cabana boys were plentiful and pina coladas were fresh and yummy.

Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed.
How is the weather right now? Probably about 0 degrees, wind is blowing making it probably negative - lots of snow.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Hash browns, sunny side up eggs and wheat bread.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Selling/promoting TAC merchandise =D
What are you listening to –right now-? The One - Busta Rythmes - Blade 2 soundtrack. See, I am bad ass. /flex
What was the last book you read? Uh...Ender's Game. /hug Veri

What was the last movie you saw? Jarhead
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I kissed Cindy from down the street when I was about 7 years old. Wasn't bad.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Dickson, my american lit teacher. You either loved him or hated him and apparently his TA's loved him since he knocked up one and married her and then cheated on that one with an 18 year TA.
Describe your favorite t-shirt? My pink TAC shirt.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? Didn't they both have mullets? O_o
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No superstitions. Phobias - Uh...I hate needles, especially watching other people have blood drawn. I threatened my intern if he seriously tried to draw my blood.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Don't think so.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Roasted Cow tongue =( Mom cooked it up and my brother and i were like, 'uh uh, mom.' I tried a piece and gagged.
Favorite color? Black and Red.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Pooh
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I can cook, doesn't mean I'm good at it. =/ I love to make Guacamole.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? My yellow rabbit.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be either an airline chick or a secretary. /shrug I wanted to fly on a plane and type on a type writer, go figure.
Do you still want to be it? No I want to be...uh...disgustingly rich, mostly. =D
What are your offline hobbies? My kiddo, my husband, my dog, digital art, talking to my parents, taking pictures of Catherine.
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet? I don't know really, I can't think of one person who's dead that I'd want to meet.

My question - What's a fantasy of yours - example: career, lifestyle...?

I've fantasized about being a sharp shooter. /blush I've always wanted to learn how to use a gun and be an expert marksman...woman...whatever. =D I've always wanted to hit someone in the mouth with my elbow during a fantastic bar room brawl where I come out clean. Oh and jumping into a crowd with combat boots on. Is that psychotic? Probably.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Who ya be? Mae, Caitlinn, ROz or ROzbeans
Who ya know on TAC? I'd say about 99.9 percent of the regular members - either through playing EQ on SolRo or through other friends I've met on various other boards where I whored my board out =D
What brought you here? The fact that I was paying for the site and bandwidth? =D
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) This was a joke questions =x but I noticed that most of my good friends, I've had issues with at one point. Good friendships are born of hate, I don't care what you say!
What games ya played? EQ for 6 years, WOW, COH, other pc games like SIMS2 or my new one The Movies
Do you art? Eh, I try, but I'm no l33t artist by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy the hell out of POSER and made some decent cash doing EQ sigs.
Do you write? Since I was about 16.
Like to read, if so, what? I used to read a lot but it's tapered some. I usually reread old books. I hate committing to new ones.

Do you post regularly? /coughs and looks at post count
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Being in the military most of my life, the internet has really helped me keep in touch with old friends and make some extremely good new ones. If Vex invited me to her wedding (not saying you're getting married, just HYPOTHETICAL!) I'd go, not that her bf would welcome me or anything.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Somewhere warm where cabana boys were plentiful and pina coladas were fresh and yummy.

Are you right handed or left handed? Right handed.
How is the weather right now? Probably about 0 degrees, wind is blowing making it probably negative - lots of snow.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Hash browns, sunny side up eggs and wheat bread.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Selling/promoting TAC merchandise =D
What are you listening to –right now-? The One - Busta Rythmes - Blade 2 soundtrack. See, I am bad ass. /flex
What was the last book you read? Uh...Ender's Game. /hug Veri

What was the last movie you saw? Jarhead
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true: I kissed Cindy from down the street when I was about 7 years old. Wasn't bad.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Dickson, my american lit teacher. You either loved him or hated him and apparently his TA's loved him since he knocked up one and married her and then cheated on that one with an 18 year TA.
Describe your favorite t-shirt? My pink TAC shirt.
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? Didn't they both have mullets? O_o
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? No superstitions. Phobias - Uh...I hate needles, especially watching other people have blood drawn. I threatened my intern if he seriously tried to draw my blood.
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Don't think so.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Roasted Cow tongue =( Mom cooked it up and my brother and i were like, 'uh uh, mom.' I tried a piece and gagged.
Favorite color? Black and Red.
Favorite Cartoon Character? Pooh
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I can cook, doesn't mean I'm good at it. =/ I love to make Guacamole.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? My yellow rabbit.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be either an airline chick or a secretary. /shrug I wanted to fly on a plane and type on a type writer, go figure.
Do you still want to be it? No I want to be...uh...disgustingly rich, mostly. =D
What are your offline hobbies? My kiddo, my husband, my dog, digital art, talking to my parents, taking pictures of Catherine.
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet? I don't know really, I can't think of one person who's dead that I'd want to meet.

My question - What's a fantasy of yours - example: career, lifestyle...?

I've fantasized about being a sharp shooter. /blush I've always wanted to learn how to use a gun and be an expert marksman...woman...whatever. =D I've always wanted to hit someone in the mouth with my elbow during a fantastic bar room brawl where I come out clean. Oh and jumping into a crowd with combat boots on. Is that psychotic? Probably.
Gilae 19 years ago
Roz likes to write with invisible ink!
Gilae 19 years ago
Roz likes to write with invisible ink!
Den 19 years ago
LMAO! Yea...took me a while to realize she had actually finished it...I kept waiting :P
Den 19 years ago
LMAO! Yea...took me a while to realize she had actually finished it...I kept waiting :P
duexe 19 years ago
Who ya be? duexe aka Lee
Who ya know on TAC? Most of the mafia players from Firefly.
What brought you here? I asked Mae for a sig (she told me she doesn’t do that any more and sent me this URL). Got snagged into Firefly Mafia. The rest is history.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point?) ?
What games ya played? Tunnels and Trolls (precursor to D&D), D&D, Risk, Platoon Leader, Axis and Allies, Fortress America, Cosmic Encounters (teh win), Magic the Gathering (quit because it became to expensive), EQ1, ADOM (also teh win), etc, etc…
Do you art? When I was younger, I was quite the artist. I do music mostly now…
Do you write? Do reports count?
Like to read, if so, what? The Sword of Shannara series, Anything by Tom Clancy (I’m X-military), The Gunslinger (Dark Tower Series) by Stephen King (teh win)
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Firefly!!
Do you post regularly? Now I do…
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yeah, I was dependant on it deployed all over the planet. I have made friends over the internet that are very kewl…
Sergon 19 years ago
You might want to sticky this one Mae since you have some new folks coming in.

ROzbeans 19 years ago
Oh, good idea =D
MistressWit 19 years ago
Who ya be? MistressWit aka, Wit, aka Paula
Who ya know on TAC? *looking around* Roz, Vex, Eve, and I am sure a few more.
What brought you here? Originally saw the link in someones Sig on Deviantart. Dont remember who's now. And Now because I Lub Roz and Vex.
What games ya played? I am a console gamer...will I get murdered here for it? LOL I like the FF games (FF3 is the shit) Right now it is StarWars Battlefront II for no reason other than I like to slice unknown 12 year olds up with a light saber on XBOX Live.
Do you art? Crazy about Art.
Do you write? No.
Like to read, if so, what? Yes, Laurell K. Hamillton (Faerie and Vampire series) R. Pullman, HP series, Jaquiline Carey (Kushiel Series), etc etc etc...anything fantasy.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No. Not really sure what it is.
Do you post regularly? Umm..just really started!
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Deffinately..I have friends I have known online for 12 years
Just Erin 19 years ago
Who ya be? Erin, aka Jennafae

Who ya know on TAC? Well, Roz of course. I know most of the people who are or have been members of Norrath's Studio .... Ryala, Vex, Gillae, Adiene, Julie, and others.

What brought you here? Roz.

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? YES AND YES. Loved each other. Hated each other. Loved each other again and promised to let go of the hate. It's true that people can change and time can heal.

What games ya played? EQ1, EQ2, and have at least tried most of the other MMO games out there.

Do you art? Yes, I dabble in a little bit of everything. Freehand, manipulations, pixel, and I'm currently a graphic design student with The Art Institute Online.
Do you write? I'm writing right now, aren't I? Oh, you mean creatively. Not really, but I could if I tried.

Like to read, if so, what? EVERYTHING! I work in a bookstore. I love science fiction and fantasy, children's books, fiction, mystery, romance, new age, etc.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Popped my Digital Mafia cherry in the Hogwarts Mafia.

Do you post regularly? Define regularily. Hmm ... no. I lurk a lot and I post now and then, but I'm not as regular as other folks. Maybe I will be!

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
YES. Internet friends are different than RL friends, but that doesn't make them any less or any more dear to me. There are things I would share with a friend online that I might not share with a friend in RL, and there are aspects of my life that I prefer not to share with my friends online as well.
Just Erin 19 years ago
Laurell K. Hamillton

So you like smut, then?
MistressWit 19 years ago
Just Erin
So you like smut, then?

I LOVE smut