Getting to know you
So I figure, the board has been open now for 2 1/2 years now. Originally, as some of you know and were present for, this was a hate board for Everquest's Solusek Ro. That lasted a week =x My bandwidth went apeshit and I had to disable the board, thus Solrorage was born. That's another story though.
So 2 1/2 years down the line, the board has seen game art for EQ, EQ2, COH and Wow with a few other's mixed in. Then we had a migration of sorts from another art board, which will remain nameless and over the past 6 months or so, seen a lot of newer people that were friends of friends come over. So ultimately the board has become more than an eq art board and into a full blown community. I've had old friends come through commenting on how diverse the board is now mixed in with 'who the hell is that?' =D So I figured, why not do a 'who are you' type post?
Who ya be?
Who ya know on TAC?
What brought you here?
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
What games ya played?
Do you art?
Do you write?
Like to read, if so, what?
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Consider some of those questions when posting about yourself. Think of a few to ask the next person as well.

Ok...I just started reading LKS and am on my third book...when does the smut start?
You reading the Anita series? That one starts smut until book 7. (I think book Seven...Burnt Desires or some such...and Bloody Moon) Gets REALLLY smutty in book 9 narssicus in chains then the rest....OMG she has to have sex to do WHAT?
Now IN the Faerie Series smut starts right away. Ok smut in book one...Book 2 -4 it is OMG I had a reading orgasm !!
*fanning myself*
Immy or Amy
Who ya know on TAC?
Mostly people who also visit the other site (the one we're not supposed to name)
What brought you here?
Roz said "May the force be with you", next thing you know, I was here.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
I know her, can't say I hated her though. I kinda feel left out.
*hates Mae* There...I'm not left out now. *loves Mae again*
What games ya played?
Doctor, Cops and Robbers, Charades...oh...internet games. EQ1
Do you art?
Yup, not very well, but it's a fun hobby.
Do you write?
Like to read, if so, what?
Anything I can get my hands on.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Yup. I was in the very first one. I've also been Martha Stewart and an annoying valley girl.
Do you post regularly?
Used to. Hopefully, my schedule will allow me to stop by more often again.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Friendship is friendship, no matter the source of communication.
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
The quiet sound of sleeping children
What was the last book you read?
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
What was the last movie you saw?
The Fanstatic Four with my oldest son.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
There was once a girl. She got married and had kids. She is now divorced and seeking a hit-man. True story. /nod
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
Mr. Watson. He was my senior year Sociology and Pyschology teacher. He introduced me to the world of studying people and helped me realize my love of it.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
An oversized Air Force shirt with holes in it. It's all about comfort baby.
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
McGuyver. Mr. T would put up a good fight though.
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
Fairly tame. *adjusts her cracked and tarnished halo*
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
I have a fear of drowning and I'm scared of the dark. =)
No superstitions, though.
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
A skunk. /gag
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Ostrich meat followed closely by Goat meat (cooked meat on a sandwich you sick bastards)
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Blueish purple
Favorite cartoon character?
Marvin the Martian (I have a tattoo of him, too!)
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
How is the weather right now?
Rainy and cold
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Spaghetti with Italian sausage, pepperoni, ranch dressing and melted cheddar on top.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Making infomercials. I'd tell people to pay me and I'll send them information on how to get rich quick by making infomercials.
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Turkey tetrazzini
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
A brown teddy bear. Plain looking. I've still got it.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
An actress - later years I wanted to be a Marine Biologist
Do you still want to be it?
No for the actress part - Yes for the Marine Biologist
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
An airplane refueling room.
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Anyplace can be exotic. It's all in how you look at it. If you want an answer that isn't so diplomatic, then I'd have to say India.
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
Reading, Art, Swimming, Special Olympics Volunteer
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
Robert E Lee
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
My romantic side wants a fairy tale to happen in my life.
My realistic side wants to live by the ocean and be with marine life all day. I know, boring fantasy.
My question:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)

Rainee (EQ1 & 2), Rayvyn/Kesla (WoW), or Tammy
Who ya know on TAC?
All the old EQ1 players from solro (or most of them hehe)
What brought you here?
Way back when Mae had the hate boards

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
Yea, from EQ1 days. And don't think so!
What games ya played?
EQ1, EQ2, WoW... brief bit of CoH.
Do you art?
I wish... As is, I just drool over it all!
Do you write?
Used to, lack of time and inspiration made me stop.
Like to read, if so, what?
Love to, mostly fantasy/sci-fi, but anything that sparks my interest works.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Nope... haven't really checked it out honestly.
Do you post regularly?
*cough* (I'll try to do better

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
The fan blowing and computer HD's spinning (sad eh?)
What was the last book you read?
Hm, last that I've finished... Wit'ch Star by James Clemens (final in an awesome series).. Currently reading Kushiel's Avatar by Jacqueline Carey & working on the Chronicles of Narnia series.
What was the last movie you saw?
King Kong in theater... technical last, 40 yr old Virgin on DVD.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
Mae and I used to cyber all the time in EQ1.. *nods*
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
Now that I try to remember names, I can't

2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
Hmm.. t-shirt, just bout anything works, no real favorite there. Now my fav sweatshirt is one w/ Tigger on the front (I think Mylec hates it now, he sees it so much!)
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
McGuyver... tho the A-Team rocks.
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
Tame, or at least I got away with everything hehe.
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
Superstitions, not really. Phobias.. nothing "paralizing", but I'm not big on being in the water... bit of a drowning fear.
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
One huge owl... one deer... random opossums.. who knows what else I can't remember, used to live in the "country".
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Deer meat is bout strangest as I've gone... that I've known about. I so don't want to know ingredients in some things however.
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Favorite cartoon character?
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Toss up between Ireland or Australia.
Are you right handed or left handed?
How is the weather right now?
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Spaghetti with meatballs.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Inventing something simple no one could live without (you know, like post-it notes

From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Not really now, but from meals I've made since living w/ Mylec... philly cheesesteaks.
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
A small white lamb that I'd had since I was a baby.
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
Veterinarian.. then later a cop... now I process health insurance claims (go figure)
Do you still want to be it?
Yes for a vet if didn't mean having to go back to school and take chemistry.
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
Edge of a dock over looking a bay at night w/ a million stars overhead.
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Exotic? nowhere hah.
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
Reading, pets, music... trying to get into working out.
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
Hitler. Not because I agree with any tiny shred of his thinking, I just find it fascinating that someone can be so twisted.
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
To win the lottery and travel the world. *sigh*
From Immy:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)
A wolf!
My Question:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
My worst were when I was working security at an amusement park when I was bout 20-21yrs old. One day an ex-employee tried to sneak into the employee areas in his truck, then took off when people tried to stop him. I was in our "patrol" car w/ another guy driving and he took off after the truck. We went speeding down a twisting road near the park when we lost control, went off the side of the road airborne and landed 5 feet from a huge tree... oh, and us idiots didnt have seat belts on.. but, minus a minor leg injury for me, we were both fine! And the second incident there was a small, what we believed to be gang related, fight that ended up w/ 5 guys stabbed. All lived, for that day, but we didn't catch the ones that did it so the rest of the day was spent in pairs.
Who ya be?
Addi, Adaira from EQ1 same on WoW
Who ya know on TAC?
All the old EQ1 players from solro (or most of them hehe) yea i copied that from Rainee but its the correct for me as well
What brought you here?
Way back when Mae had the hate boards. Once again copied but same answer for me
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
Yea, from EQ1 days. And don't think so! Same again also
What games ya played?
EQ1, WoW, Diablo, Literati, Euchre
Do you art?
Nope except drawing Spongebob and Patrick for my 4 yr old son
Do you write?
Used to, lack of time and inspiration made me stop. Same as Rainee again there...i'm just not angry or sad anymore, havent really written anything in like 6 years
Like to read, if so, what?
Inspirational, Self Help type stuff, about different religions and poetry..basically anything that will make me think or teach me something
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
not really, i go through spurts where i might post alot for a week or something then nothing for months
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Sorry but no, not really
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
Gates Called Beautiful, a christian punk band that I used to hang out with some of its members and Katrina Chester
What was the last book you read?
well i listen to them while im working on my ipod but the last i have finished is The Power of Now by Tolle
What was the last movie you saw?
40 yr old virgin, about to throw in Into The Blue
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
Dont believe any rumors, I never cybered anyone, on EQ or any kind of computer cept my husband and we dont swing if ya heard that one too and anyone that knows my husband knows that would never happen, hes a jealous freak.
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
My 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Cooke...although she was the only one in 4 years of elementary to not give me the "principals award" she was still my favorite and I was always tiny even at that age and she told me something that I have never forgotten that made me feel better about being so small "a nickel is bigger than a dime but a dimes worth more"
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
my USMC shirt
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
McGuyver... brains over braun always wins!
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
I was just as spoiled when i was a kid as now, so probably bad lol
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
Superstitions, not really...but i do have a weird thing where i count stuff..bricks in a wall, cracks in a sidewalk, letters on a soda can or shampoo bottle...stuff like that. Im afraid of heights would be a phobia i guess
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
I grew up in the country, so too many to count... i ever once hit a groundhog with a 4 wheeler
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
My brothers food after he chewed it (ravioli to be exact) on a dare
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Favorite cartoon character?
any of the smurfs probably
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ireland for sure and of course have to stay in a castle
Are you right handed or left handed?
both...but my left is the stronger of the two and i use it slightly more...its on certain know how lefties are, alot of use our right for alot of stuff and can alot of times write with both hands almost equally as well.
How is the weather right now?
Cold but not as cold as it usually is and were supposed to get thunderstorms tonight and its gonna be 60 tomorrow which is amazing for NE OH in Jan
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
My moms swiss steak, mashed taters, green beans and bread with gravy on it
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
I'd love to do what i do now, just get rich doing it...faux painting and regular painting fun colors nad patterns
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Yes I cook and its not my favorite thing to eat but i think everyone loves my meatloaf the most and my italian sausage i make in a tomoato sauce
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
i dont have one from childhood but i have a pink nad white lamb with fucked up eyes and and its all stitched up that Joey won me outta one of them machines before we were married (7 years ago) that i sleep with everynight
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
a lawyer
Do you still want to be it?
Yes something like it, i would rather go into a form a law enforcement or social services where i could help troubled teens and people wiht drug problems but also punish them when they needed it..something more like a judge at the highest down to a probation officer
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
Toss up between 3 places...1. in the middle of winter out on snowmobile path at night on the snowmobile 2. a tanning bed...that was hot and slippery and 3. in a crowded restuarant at the table
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Exotic? nowhere hah. Same never really been anywhere exotic
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
Painting lol and playing with my son and hubby....and OMG SHOPPING...i have 172 pairs of jeans, i have a shopping problem
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
Oscar Wilde
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
To win the lottery and help my family wiht the money...and buy more jeans lol
From Immy:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)
My Question:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
when a crazy man tried to break into our house and when gang bangers where chasing us down nad surrounding us cuz i had on a black do rag
My Question....
Tell us about your family? (if you have kids, siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc)
I am the youngest of 6 kids, my oldest brother being 18 years older than me, I have 4 brothers and one sister and only one of the brothers is actually my full blooded brother but my father raised all my siblings so i dont consider any of them as "half". I have a 4 year son names Gavin Kael and hes the coolest guy in the world and my husband of 7 years Joey (neanix) both my parents are still living nad still married.

Sangre or Elizabeth
Who ya know on TAC?
I know ROzBeans and I think I know a few others who don't know I am here yet
What brought you here?
ROz brought me when she included me in her Hoochie posse ;

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
Nooo I am a lover, not a hater
What games ya played?
Morrowind, Vamoire the Masquerade:Bloodlines, Dungeon Quest, Half-Life
Do you art?
Yes repeatedly without fail
Do you write?
Extremely badly
Like to read, if so, what?
I love everything! I am an insane reader. I will read anything once.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
What is this Mafia's that you speak of and how do I do it?
Do you post regularly?
I am going to do my best
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Yes I do - in some cases even closer - I find I can be more honest with internet buds than I can with lifers...
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
Tom Waits - Real Gone
What was the last book you read?
Dead Man's Hand by Nancy A. Collins
What was the last movie you saw?
Walk the Line
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
I once wished on a star and it came true.
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
Ooooh ehhh Mrs. Anderson - my English teacher in High School. She was nice and friendly and let me read in class.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
It's a plain white tee that I stole from my husband
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
McGuyver would just give Mr. T knock out drops...
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
I was kinda good and kinda bad. I was a punk rocker kid with good grades
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
I hate spiders and I hate to fly and I REALLY HATE flying spiders
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
Twice. Both were rabbits. I was devastated.
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Uhhh probably something wet and raw
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
blood red, baby
Favorite cartoon character?
Bloo from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed
How is the weather right now?
It is breezy and 64 degrees
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
cocktail meatballs and martinis
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
art of course
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
I cook sometimes - I like to make BBQ in the slow cooker - yum!
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
My sister was evil and destroyed all of my things. I learned never to care too much for that sort of thing
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
a reporter
Do you still want to be it?
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
In a cheap motel room
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
probably Mexico
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
Knitting, scrapbooking, collecting Vampire books
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
Mark Twain, I suppose
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
To become a successfull artist
From Immy:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)
A wolf
My Question:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
I almost drown in a friends pool when I was little
My Question....
Tell us about your family? (if you have kids, siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc)
I am married with one son. I have a big house filled with love, happiness, one sister, and four dogs. I am a stay-at-home mommy so I have time to work on my art as well as time to myself. My son is almost six - his name is Miles and he is the light of my life...
wow - I think that is everything...

Today??? hmmm... Candice aka Garnett aka Kiara aka Fiona aka Khris .... etc...
Who ya know on TAC?
uhhhh... Shay for sure... Mai sorta... Roz indirectly... probably others, just haven't dug enough into the member list to find out...
What brought you here?
Certain members at SA insisting on crossposting (you know who you are!!!)
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
Do I have to answer this??? Can I plead the 5th???
What games ya played?
Oddly enough, I don't... go figure...
Do you art?
Whenever I feel inspired to
Do you write?
Some days better than others
Like to read, if so, what?
You so do not have the bandwidth for me to answer this question in it's entirety...
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Not yet, though I hop to in the near future ~ and I haven't cuz up until a week ago I'd never heard of it. So there!!!
Do you post regularly?
Depends on my muse. I may post 100 times one week, but then have no real reason to and I don't like to "spam" boards, ya know?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
There are a few that are definetly as dear as anyone I've actually met.
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
The TV?
What was the last book you read?
uhhh... can't remember the title, but was by Christine Feehan (winter break from college ~ read about 10 books to recover from only getting to read assigned stuff for 4 monthes!!!)
What was the last movie you saw?
At the theatre, would be Goblet of Fire. In reality, would by Jurrasic Park
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
Not sure. Have to think about this one...
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
I don't wear T-shirts, though I do have an extensive collection of tanktops... so I'll have to say my concert T's from Keith Urban
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
MacGyver wuld use his duct tape and it'd be all over right there!!!
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
Sorry to say, I was Miss Goody Two Shoes in high school ~ made up for it since then (and still am *grin*)
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
Who doesn't??? I always wish on the first star I see and never kill a spider...
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
Not that I'm aware of...
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Define strange....
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Any dark green
Favorite cartoon character?
hmmm... Bugs Bunny. He always managed to turn things to his advantage and come out on top.
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
New Zealand
Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed
How is the weather right now?
Well, for the middle of the night, not bad. Light jacket when I take a smoke break....
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Ouch. This one would tke ALOT of thought ~ my aversion to leftovers is legendary in my family...
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
There are ILLEGAL methods?????
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
I'm the only one in my house that does cook ~ we've lived in this house a year and my sister has yet to turn on the stove.... My favorite, though, would by Stir-Fry, with my own secret sauce....
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
I can only pick one????
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
Don't ask me why, but for some reason I got it stuck in my head I wanted to be an Air Traffic Controller. Thank goodness, I grew outta that one.
Do you still want to be it?
Uh, not.
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
In an RV while crossing the Arizona/New Mexico state line... and I think I'll leave it at that...
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
*sigh* Canada... I really need to get out of the country more...
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
There's life offline??? Oh, yeah. uhhh... reading, quilting, avoiding housework...
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
If I had to choose just one... Cleopatra
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
Living in a cabin in the mountains of Montana...
From Immy:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)
I think I have to vote with my sis on this one ~ a pampared housecat, emphasis on "pampared"
Sangre's Questions:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
Getting married.... don't ask, you do not want to know...
Tell us about your family? (if you have kids, siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc)
hmmm... I have 3 adorable children who are proof that birth control does not always work (3 different methods = 3 children ~ don't get me wrong, I don't regret any of them, but Damn, wasn't ready!!!!). I live with my adopted sister and a roommate. Kinda have a boyfriend, though I doubt for much longer... he's wonderful, there's just no *spark*, ya know???
My Question:
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Pay off EVERYBODY I owe money to, pick a charity or three to donate a bit to, and finish my schooling without having to worry about the munchkins or working for awhile. Then do what I really want ~ study Native American culture...
Sebastionleo, or in RL, the name's Jimmy
Who ya know on TAC?
all the Sol Roers, Sol Ro FTW!
What brought you here?
I remembered Mae having this site and wanted to get in contact with my old EQ buddies so i came here and signed up.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
I love Mae <3. At one point Mae thought i was like 25, when i was really only 15 lol. From that point on she always said *gives seb non-boobie hug* cuz i was just a kid

What games ya played?
EQ, WoW, GuildWars, many many many other games.
Do you art?
I'm a horrible artist
Do you write?
I hate wrinting lol
Like to read, if so, what?
I like to read, but i dont really read very often, i'm more interested in talking to people and playing games. Fantasy stuff is always good tho.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
No, but is Mafia like the Werewolf game where you have good guys and bad guys and at night the bad guys make a kill and you try to lynch people during the day in hopes of finding a bad guy?
Do you post regularly?
not really, i post when i see something funny, or just whenever i remember to hop into the forums.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
A few of them. There are some internet friends that have become RL friends, and some RL friends that have become better friends due to internet gaming and stuff.
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
What was the last book you read?
Robinson Crusoe
What was the last movie you saw?
Hoodwinked! in theatre, but the last movie i saw in general would be 40 year old virgin.
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
My Physics teacher, Mr. Pugsley. He's funny, laid back, and the classes are so much fun because of it.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
Its a System of a Down shirt. Has the 4 members of SoaD laying down on the face of a clock.
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
MacGyver most definitely
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
Well as far as my parents know, i'm a saint

From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
Not really, other than a horrible fear of failure.
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
I havent, but i've been in the car when it happened before, just not driving
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
hmmm.... my cat's head when he was a kitten
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Red, and Blue
Favorite cartoon character?
Scoobie Doo.... or maybe Jerry from tom & jerry
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
I'm a Lefty
How is the weather right now?
Sunny, melting the snow we got last night, kinda cold still tho
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
Hamburger Helper, the Crunchy Taco kind is amazing. That or pizza, since i ate that 3 times a week or so all summer
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Buying things cheap and selling them high on eBay prolly.
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
Not very often, but i love to make Mac & Cheese =P
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
hmmm i dont think i even had any...
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
An Astronaut or a Movie star, the normal thing.
Do you still want to be it?
Being an astronaut would be fuckin' sweet, but i dont think its gonna happen
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
Sadly i havent 'done it' yet

Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
hmmm..... i dont think i've been to any exotic places lol
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
playing my trombone, taking naps, hanging out with my girlfriend
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
I'm thinkin.... any one of the Vikings or other Germanic peoples, cuz they own.
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
Getting married on a beach in Hawaii, and then living there for the rest of our days.
From Immy:
If you could be reincarnated into anything, what would it be? (Plant, animal, person, rock, etc)
hmmm... i'm gonna have to go with a Lynx.
Sangre's Questions:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
The day i rolled my van on the expressway.
Tell us about your family? (if you have kids, siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc)
No kids quite yet, i'm only 17. My sister is 23, brother is 13. I have a girlfriend, we've been dating for almost 3 months now, and she's 15. I live with my parents, my brother and my sister.
FyreGarnett's Question:
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Jump for joy...
Oh you mean what i'd do with it. right. Um i'd pay off my college. Then proceed to buy things for all the people who bought me things such as christmas presents and birthday presents but i couldnt buy them anything. Then i'd definitely buy me a sexy car. After that i'd put it in the bank and just let it chill. I'd still get a job and everything, tho.
My Question:
If you could be anything, absolutely anything at all (profession) what would it be?
For me, it'd be musician, in an alternative rock band. I love music, i love playing it, however im not great, and i love singing it, which i'm pretty good. I cant write music, i'm not creative enough, that's where my biggest downfall would be. If i were to win the lottery, i'd probably take up some guitar lessons with an amazing guitar teacher and join/start a band since I wouldnt have to worry too much about whether it worked out or not, i'd already have the money i needed

Who ya know on TAC? Mae, gilae most of the old school Sol Ro people.
What brought you here? I always get drug back in when i get that jones for internet play.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point?

What games ya played? Eq and into making wrecks on Burnout or Soul Edge when i need to beat on someone.
Do you art? Art means you have talent. I couldn' t draw myself out of a paper box. But I do like to manipulate existing images.
Do you write? I haven't for a very long time.
Like to read, if so, what? More than Life. right now I'm clinically fascinated with "the man who thought his wife was a Hatrack and other Clinical Tales" About Brian dysfunctions and the crazy life that follows it.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) I dunno! i guess i Haven't
Do you post regularly? I just started so.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? I would say Real Life is more rewarding.

Come out!
Who ya know on TAC? A few, not very many though.
What brought you here? Drauss awhile back.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? I just know the name in-game and from Rage boards.
What games ya played? Everquest and City Of Heroes, now back in EQ.
Do you art? Not really but I must say I'm impressed.
Do you write? Yes, wrote a few songs for a past band of mine.
Like to read, if so, what? Most definately either Lee Child or Barry Eisley, with the occasional Harry Potter book hah.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No, what the heck is that.
Do you post regularly? Not really, I am going to start though.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Sure why not.
What are you listening to –right now-? You're Ever So Inviting by UnderOath.
What was the last book you read? Running Blind by Lee Child.
What was the last movie you saw? Either "Click" or "Serenity".
Who ya know on TAC? more than half of the names I see !
What brought you here? I found a link off one of Xeal's posts on monk boards ;p
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point?

What games ya played? everquest
Do you art? neg I so blow at it
Do you write? even worse than art ....
Like to read, if so, what? I used to ... ra salvator was my favorite, but I spend too much tie on the pc now for all that noise
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) negative ... Im a lazy fucker
Do you post regularly? if something sparks an interest ....
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? yes, quite a few I do
Who ya be? Bryen IRL, Keahi/Shimeral (lvl 65/70 Erudite wizards in EQ)
Who ya know on TAC? Roz of course not sure who else is still here
What brought you here? What brought me back you mean, alot of things happene dirl that took me away from alot of things but life is stable once more so i come back to old comforts
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point?

What games ya played? EQ
Do you art? wish i could
Do you write? when im really upset
Like to read, if so, what? of course anything and everything as long as its not a romance
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Yes once, and we won woot!
Do you post regularly? I used to
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Just as dear when you keep intouch

Lynn...Diabolica...Shaelynn...actually my real name is Evelyn Bryte named after both grandmas, but my parents chose to call me Lynn for short, dooming me to a life of name confusion

Who ya know on TAC?
recognize most of the people from Studio MMO and some from dA
What brought you here?
Seeing ROz and others mention it
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
I know her mainly as ROz, I remember Mae from Norrath's Studio, but she had to explain to me that Mae = ROz hehe
What games ya played?
EQ, WoW, SWG, some Diablo, currently playing FF12, love it
Do you art?
I try
Do you write?
I used to write all the time but I quit, would love to start again
Like to read, if so, what?
I ADORE reading...I like all kinds of stuff. My favs I guess would be LHK and Lois McMaster Bujold and omg Diana Gabaldon.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) nope, need to find out more about it
Do you post regularly?
Not really, I'm more of a lurker at heart. I tend to be a bit shy.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
In some ways...its hard to beat my two best friends since 5th grade...but then again it can be easier to talk to internet friends about some things
Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
My son playing Lego StarWars 2 and my husband hammering something
What was the last book you read?
Minstel's Kiss by LHK, reading now Boleyn Inheritance by Phillipa Gregory
What was the last movie you saw?
Brothers Grimm, it kinda sucked =/
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
At age 17 I fell out of a parked, convertible red Mecedes and landed on my back with my skirt over my head in front of a large group of teenage onlookers.
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
My 12th grade English teacher, Mrs. Jackson...she made the time very fun and interesting.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
Its black and says, "I'm wearing black until they make something darker"
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
MacGyver duh of course
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
depressingly tame
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
Bees, I'm seriously psycho about bees, lol...i hate those little bastards
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
I ran over a rat and a skunk (not at the same time) (and OMG my car smelled like stank for days)
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Those weird, nasty congealed salads that are like strange concoctions of jello and crap.
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
black, closely followed by purple
Favorite cartoon character?
Patrick from Spongebob
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
How is the weather right now?
Overcast, 54 degrees
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
salad, lobster, garlic mashed potatoes, and sweet iced tea
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Buying things cheap and selling them high on eBay prolly.
my art!
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
I like to cook, not especially wonderful at it...i guess my fav thing to make is southern country style steak because my husband likes it so much
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
a panda bear
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
Astronomer, i wanted to study the stars and outer space
Do you still want to be it?
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
Not so strange I guess but in the woods off the Blue-Ridge Parkway
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Bahamas is as exotic as this southern girl has seen
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
playing the piano (well sorta a hobby its my job too) reading, playing video games with my son
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
To be sitting on the deck of a beach house, right on the a comfy chair, with my computer working on art or just son playing nearby
Sangre's Questions:
What is the scariest thing(s) that's ever happened to you?
The first thing that comes to mind is when I was about 13 and swimming in the ocean with my friends...the waves were too rough so we were wading out of the water. I'm a good swimmer but a suddenly a big wave knocked me down and a strong undertow just grabbed me and sucked me out. I couldn't breathe or swim or anything.
Back then that beach had big rock jettys (piles of big rocks) that started on the dunes and jutted out way out in the water to help with beach erosion. The water slams me down on top of these rocks, and I'm holding on for dear life. So I inch my way up the rocks, until I get close enough my dumbass friends finally realize where I am and help me. When I get out of the water they think a shark got me because I'm covered with blood, but really it was where the rocks had sliced me to pieces.
Tell us about your family? (if you have kids, siblings, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc)
I have a mom and dad who live in the same house they've lived in since 1958. I have two older brothers who are 13 and 15 years older than me. Yeah, I was an, it was kinda like being an only child for most of my childhood. I'm married now, just had my 11th wedding anniversary. We have a 7 year old son.
FyreGarnett's Question:
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
shop til i dropped, baby
My Question:
If you could be anything, absolutely anything at all (profession) what would it be?
I would like to play the piano in a world touring orchestra hehe

Who ya know on TAC? not many people, I'm a baby
What brought you here? Curiousity
Do you know Mae? Breifly
What games ya played? NWN, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, DS, TS, Diablo/2

Do you art? Yes
Do you write? Yes
Like to read, if so, what? fantasy/historical fiction
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) no, because I just got here
Do you post regularly? yes
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes

Perel Redstorm... Ranger of the Veeshan server at your service

(or just Bill)
Who ya know on TAC?
Rainfeather... but looking forward to getting to know the rest of you
What brought you here?
Rainfeather made me do it
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
Uhmmm... Mae-be... lol (I haven't had the pleasure)
What games ya played?
EQ... is there another?
Do you art?
I dabble a little... some Poser, some Vue, a manip here and there (and a smidgen of Shade)
Do you write?
A little bit... usually at swordpoint
Like to read, if so, what?
Fantasy genre... currently reading book four in George Martin's Fire and Ice series
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
Not yet... but brand new
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Internet relations don't work...

Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to –right now-?
Some show on the science channel
What was the last book you read?
A Sword of Storms by George Martin
What was the last movie you saw?
Eragon... They cut out a lot from the book (of course). Not sure how I would have liked it without having read it first.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
There once was a woodelf ranger who met a highelf cleric... One day they were in the Acrylia Caverns and he told HER a story...
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
My 11th grade chemistry teacher. He really enjoyed teaching...
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
Anything that says NIKE
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong)
McGyver wouldn't let Mr. T get close enough to touch him (but I'd love to hear Mr. T say "I pity the fool!")
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
tame by today's standards
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
I am afraid of rain ... /hides
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
Hit a deer going 65... it was painful... (not to the deer... it ran away)
From Xandare:
whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
oysters... /shivers
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Favorite cartoon character?
Rogue from the x-men TV show... love the accent
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
How is the weather right now?
37 degrees... snow is melting (for now)
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
pizza - or spagetti... no pizza... wait!
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
The lottery
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
I do cook... and right now I am on a bread kick
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
none... but I loved to torture my little sister's stuffed animals
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
athlete... preferably the olympic type
Do you still want to be it?
sure... but slim chance
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
While making coffee in the kitchen the other day pops into mind...
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Caracas, Venezuela
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
I'm living it... =)
Four Winds; Alex West, Arran, Ezekiel, and Mischa Karnovich on Sanguine Affliction and James in real life
Who ya know on TAC?
I don't know many people yet and the ones I do I have met at either Sanguine Affliction or via
What brought you here?
Originally my interest was sparked by Journals by Roz and Vexi. Now I'm motivated by the writing aspect
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
I know one Mae, and no hatred.
What games ya played?
The MMO games City of Heroes and City of Villains
Other PC games include Broken Sword 4, Made Man, and Splinter Cell Double Agent
I've done RPG in Vampire the Masquerade, Rolemaster MERP, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Call of Cthulu.
Do you art?
Not well. It's the one are I would like to get back into. I've been practising with Faces 3.0, and would like to learn Poser or DAZ|Studio.
Do you write?
Yes. I did a Certificate in Creative Writing (everything from Journalism to Poetry to Short Stories) in 2005-2006 and my background includes a lot of technical and business writing. I like to write for writings sake, and enjoy places like Sanuine Affliction and more reccently TAC.
Like to read, if so, what?
I'm a fan of Harry Turtledove (Guns of the South), Bernard Cornell (The Sharpe novels), and Michael Moorcock (The Elric novels). I find myself enjoying reading graphic novels lately, and I enjoy comedy, science fiction, fantasy and historical based novels.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Err.. I don't belong to La Cosa Nostra although I come from a large family where everone calls each other 'Cuzzies'
Do you post regularly?
I try to. The time zone difference (16+ hours ahead of the US), can make it a pain in the proverbial rear. And I'm juggling academic courses atm.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
I consider the Internet as one avenue to making friends, be it through online MMO games, or forum and chat boards such as these. I can't see it replacing traditional friends in the real world sense.

Questions from Verileah:
What are you listening to right now?
The low whining from my computer fans, the sounds of car engines being tuned up, the cat meowing for attention and a breeze blowing through the garden shrubs and bushes outside my window.
What was the last book you read?
The DreamThief's Daughter by Michael Moorcock
What was the last movie you saw?
Chilrend of Men. Enjoyed it a lot. Not an upbeat film, but alternately depressing and thrilling.
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
My grandmother was a princess of her tribe. She was effectively exiled and cut off from the tribe for suprring an arranged marriage and instead following her heart and marry my grandfather Gilbert, a dutch man. It wasn't until my grandmother's death many years later that she was finally reunited with her people and tribe.
Questions from Maeya:
1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why?
Mr. Drake. My history teacher right through college. From a few old books and overhead displays he could make the past come alive so that we could imagine what it could have been like in Elizabethan England, in Colonial New Zealand, or fighting in Battle of the Somme.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt.
Anything that snarls in disdain at stains.
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win?
Mohawk verses a Mullet. Hard choice. Anyone can pound a person with his or her fists, it takes a genius to catch fish with a lure made from a chewing gum wrapper. Mac for the win.
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame?
Reasonably tame by today's standards
From Ryala:
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?
I never exit a cemetary without washing my hands and crossing myself.
From Kaytana:
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
In New Zealand you score points for killing rabbits and possums with your automobile. It's a national hobby.
From Xandare:
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth?
Swallow's Eggs
From Adiene:
Favorite color?
Green, when I have a headache or am stressed out the color of green relaxes me.
Favorite cartoon character?
Foghorn.. I just say.. Foghorn Leghorn boy rules the roost.
Big fan of Rogue Trooper and Nemesis the Warlock (from 2000AD)
From Merreck:
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Are you right handed or left handed?
How is the weather right now?
Clear blue skies, slight breeze coming from WSW, and very warm. It's summer in New Zealand.
From Mileron:
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be?
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Medical malpractise
From Calimaryn:
Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make?
I learned to cook at the age of 10. Favourite thing to make is a stuffed lamb roast, with roasted vegetable, yorkshire pudding and enough calories to make Jenny Craig tear her hair out
From Mai:
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?
My yellow teddy bear. I still have him hidden away in the cupboard somewhere
What occupation did you want to be when you grew up?
a scientist of all things, go figure
Do you still want to be it?
not bloody likely
From Shay:
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':
Aboard a crowded bus heading to New Orleans
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
The Cook Islands
From Blackrabbit:
What are your offline hobbies?
Reading, writing, exercising and eating
From Mylec:
Who is the one person from history you would like to have been able to meet.
The author Roald Dahl
From Roz:
What's a fantasy of yours
Angelina Jolie