Getting to know you

So I figure, the board has been open now for 2 1/2 years now. Originally, as some of you know and were present for, this was a hate board for Everquest's Solusek Ro. That lasted a week =x My bandwidth went apeshit and I had to disable the board, thus Solrorage was born. That's another story though.

So 2 1/2 years down the line, the board has seen game art for EQ, EQ2, COH and Wow with a few other's mixed in. Then we had a migration of sorts from another art board, which will remain nameless and over the past 6 months or so, seen a lot of newer people that were friends of friends come over. So ultimately the board has become more than an eq art board and into a full blown community. I've had old friends come through commenting on how diverse the board is now mixed in with 'who the hell is that?' =D So I figured, why not do a 'who are you' type post?

Who ya be?
Who ya know on TAC?
What brought you here?
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ?
What games ya played?
Do you art?
Do you write?
Like to read, if so, what?
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?)
Do you post regularly?
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?

Consider some of those questions when posting about yourself. Think of a few to ask the next person as well.

I expect EVERYONE to do this. =D

Jinheim 19 years ago
Who ya be? I am Jinheim, the one and only.
Who ya know on TAC? Almost everyone that played on solro, all the mafia players.
What brought you here? Mae made me a sig and I started looking at her board.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes and yes
What games ya played? EQ, DAOC, COH, WOW
Do you art? I did a very small amount of poser work.
Do you write? I play and write for mafia.
Like to read, if so, what? Yes, and I will read anything.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Yes, I've modded a few games as well.
Do you post regularly? Yes.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes.
barce 19 years ago
Im going to change my story now.. This last summer I was driving back from visiting my parents and a pigeon flew out in front of my truck on the freeway. Well I needless to say I hit it. I didnt think anything about it until when I was passing people (yes I speed) They all kept looking around at the front of my truck and staring at something. Well about 90 miles later I pull in to get gas and guess what. Mr pigeon was flattened wings outspread in the middle of my grill. It was kinda gross so I just left it their until i could get home and grab some gloves to remove him.

I still have the hole in the grill of my truck from that damn bird, but he did make a nice hood ornement.
barce 19 years ago
Im going to change my story now.. This last summer I was driving back from visiting my parents and a pigeon flew out in front of my truck on the freeway. Well I needless to say I hit it. I didnt think anything about it until when I was passing people (yes I speed) They all kept looking around at the front of my truck and staring at something. Well about 90 miles later I pull in to get gas and guess what. Mr pigeon was flattened wings outspread in the middle of my grill. It was kinda gross so I just left it their until i could get home and grab some gloves to remove him.

I still have the hole in the grill of my truck from that damn bird, but he did make a nice hood ornement.
Guest 19 years ago
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? hmmm...Well, spiders and ants make my skin crawly. And I do that 'don't speak things out loud' thing too.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? No, thankfully. I think I'd have an emotional breakdown in the middle of street.

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Pencils, pens, marker caps, etc.

Favorite color?
Red (?) I'm not good with the whole favorite color thing.

Favorite cartoon character?

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Rome or Egypt

Are you right handed or left handed?
Right left hand is retarded

How is the weather right now? Nice and chilled

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Breakfast =D I love breakfast foods - eggs, hash browns, toast, corned beef hash, pancakes, sausage, bacon, ham, french toast, blintzes, you name it.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Lottery. I’m also a lazy bastard

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I like to cook only when I have nice tools to use. I'm told I'm especially good at baking, but I don't have a fave as far as making.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? I don't think I had a specific favorite, but I did have every single Care Bear. =)

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Astronaut~

Do you still want to be it? Yase
Guest 19 years ago
Do you have any superstitions or phobias? hmmm...Well, spiders and ants make my skin crawly. And I do that 'don't speak things out loud' thing too.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? No, thankfully. I think I'd have an emotional breakdown in the middle of street.

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Pencils, pens, marker caps, etc.

Favorite color?
Red (?) I'm not good with the whole favorite color thing.

Favorite cartoon character?

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Rome or Egypt

Are you right handed or left handed?
Right left hand is retarded

How is the weather right now? Nice and chilled

If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Breakfast =D I love breakfast foods - eggs, hash browns, toast, corned beef hash, pancakes, sausage, bacon, ham, french toast, blintzes, you name it.

If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be?
Lottery. I’m also a lazy bastard

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? I like to cook only when I have nice tools to use. I'm told I'm especially good at baking, but I don't have a fave as far as making.

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? I don't think I had a specific favorite, but I did have every single Care Bear. =)

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Astronaut~

Do you still want to be it? Yase
Viriu 19 years ago
Who ya be? Viriu, Nicole
Who ya know on TAC? Vex
What brought you here? Vex :P kept bugging me
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? nope and nope
What games ya played? EQ, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? I try, used to like to copy Sue Dawe's pictures, and have recently tried playing around with Photoshop manipulating screenshots, and I love to draw animals
Do you write? no, I always got B's in English
Like to read, if so, what? Love to, mostly Fantasy, old Stephen King, Anne Rice, Michael Crichton, and classic literature
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) imagination doesn't expand that much to create a fictional character, but I like to read what you all think of
Do you post regularly? No, I am the resident lurker
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Some of them, even made an effort to go spend Thanksgiving with one of them once!
Viriu 19 years ago
Who ya be? Viriu, Nicole
Who ya know on TAC? Vex
What brought you here? Vex :P kept bugging me
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? nope and nope
What games ya played? EQ, EQ2, WoW
Do you art? I try, used to like to copy Sue Dawe's pictures, and have recently tried playing around with Photoshop manipulating screenshots, and I love to draw animals
Do you write? no, I always got B's in English
Like to read, if so, what? Love to, mostly Fantasy, old Stephen King, Anne Rice, Michael Crichton, and classic literature
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) imagination doesn't expand that much to create a fictional character, but I like to read what you all think of
Do you post regularly? No, I am the resident lurker
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)?
Some of them, even made an effort to go spend Thanksgiving with one of them once!
Masoyama 19 years ago
Who ya be? Joseph A Reese, my wife Mindy L Reese, and son Jacob J Reese

Who ya know on TAC? I know all thld EQers. Many from Union, Triadica, Tyranny.

What brought you here? I have Known Mae for about 6 or 7 years. We sued to live real close and hanever met. We were ctually in the same room once and didnt even get introduced to each other.

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes, but not in e bilblcal sense.

What games ya played? EQ EQ2, now playing BF2

Do you art? pencil, watercolors

Do you write? yes, but havent ever shared any on the forum

Like to read, if so, what? I am illiterate

Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) no, Im lame like that

Do you post regularly? Kinda

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes, in a sense I do. I truly care what happens to others even if I know them casually over a game
Masoyama 19 years ago
Who ya be? Joseph A Reese, my wife Mindy L Reese, and son Jacob J Reese

Who ya know on TAC? I know all thld EQers. Many from Union, Triadica, Tyranny.

What brought you here? I have Known Mae for about 6 or 7 years. We sued to live real close and hanever met. We were ctually in the same room once and didnt even get introduced to each other.

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes, but not in e bilblcal sense.

What games ya played? EQ EQ2, now playing BF2

Do you art? pencil, watercolors

Do you write? yes, but havent ever shared any on the forum

Like to read, if so, what? I am illiterate

Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) no, Im lame like that

Do you post regularly? Kinda

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Yes, in a sense I do. I truly care what happens to others even if I know them casually over a game
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Seriously we lived like the next town over from him and never got the chance to hook up =( When were we in the same room and didn't get introduced? Are you talking about that one Fan Faire back in...uh...2001 I think? I was only there that friday night, you said y'all went out to party instead I think. We'll be home visiting again next fall, we gotta hook the families up =(

ROzbeans 19 years ago
Seriously we lived like the next town over from him and never got the chance to hook up =( When were we in the same room and didn't get introduced? Are you talking about that one Fan Faire back in...uh...2001 I think? I was only there that friday night, you said y'all went out to party instead I think. We'll be home visiting again next fall, we gotta hook the families up =(

Tor 19 years ago
Who ya be? J in the flesh, Toranith from EQ1, Alec on SA
Who ya know on TAC? Mae (from EQ1 and spiraling out), Vulash and Jinheim from EQ1 (though not so well), Temprah (from EQ1 and SA), Mai and Kaytana (from SA) and a couple of other folks that are less frequent posters here, like myself
What brought you here? Roz, forcibly. Orbital mind control lasers or SOMEthing.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes, and I'm sure she hated me at one point or another, though I can't recall hating her.
What games ya played? All of them. I'm a slave to marketing. (UO, EQ, EQ2, DAoC, AC, AC2, WoW, Matrix, PuzzlePirates and a horde of others)
Do you art? Like an untrained primate.
Do you write? I've been accused of such.
Like to read, if so, what? Almost anything.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Oh gods yes.
Do you post regularly? Not here. Not artful enough.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? A couple, indeed. I was surprised to realize that somewhat recently.
Tor 19 years ago
Who ya be? J in the flesh, Toranith from EQ1, Alec on SA
Who ya know on TAC? Mae (from EQ1 and spiraling out), Vulash and Jinheim from EQ1 (though not so well), Temprah (from EQ1 and SA), Mai and Kaytana (from SA) and a couple of other folks that are less frequent posters here, like myself
What brought you here? Roz, forcibly. Orbital mind control lasers or SOMEthing.
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? Yes, and I'm sure she hated me at one point or another, though I can't recall hating her.
What games ya played? All of them. I'm a slave to marketing. (UO, EQ, EQ2, DAoC, AC, AC2, WoW, Matrix, PuzzlePirates and a horde of others)
Do you art? Like an untrained primate.
Do you write? I've been accused of such.
Like to read, if so, what? Almost anything.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) Oh gods yes.
Do you post regularly? Not here. Not artful enough.
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? A couple, indeed. I was surprised to realize that somewhat recently.
Nektar 19 years ago
Who ya be? Nicolas Raymond, aka Slick, Modest Adonis, Nico Suave, or POOPYPANTS on msn

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? My inspiration for taking up graphic design

What games ya played? Meridian 59, UO, EQ

Do you art? I design

Do you write? If it helps for design

Like to read, if so, what? Newspaper. Elections coming up. I'll be damned if Quebec becomes independent.

Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No. Loaded schedule.

Do you post regularly? No. Idem.

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Internet friends are RL people. So yes.

What are you listening to –right now-? Lambada

What was the last book you read? Real World Illustrator 9 (excellent plot, climax and denouement)

What was the last movie you saw? Family Guy

Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
Last week I scored some awesome weed off 3 deaf people. Had a ball improvising on sign language.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Any English/philosophy teacher that wasn't male

Describe your favorite t-shirt. Black/indigo with a minimalistic design

In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) O'Neil hands down

Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Mischievous

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I hate clowns and pigeons

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Maybe an ant or two

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Honestly? A turd. I was in kindergarten. Give me a break. I thought it was a cupcake.
Nektar 19 years ago
Who ya be? Nicolas Raymond, aka Slick, Modest Adonis, Nico Suave, or POOPYPANTS on msn

Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) ? My inspiration for taking up graphic design

What games ya played? Meridian 59, UO, EQ

Do you art? I design

Do you write? If it helps for design

Like to read, if so, what? Newspaper. Elections coming up. I'll be damned if Quebec becomes independent.

Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) No. Loaded schedule.

Do you post regularly? No. Idem.

Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Internet friends are RL people. So yes.

What are you listening to –right now-? Lambada

What was the last book you read? Real World Illustrator 9 (excellent plot, climax and denouement)

What was the last movie you saw? Family Guy

Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true
Last week I scored some awesome weed off 3 deaf people. Had a ball improvising on sign language.

Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Any English/philosophy teacher that wasn't male

Describe your favorite t-shirt. Black/indigo with a minimalistic design

In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) O'Neil hands down

Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Mischievous

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I hate clowns and pigeons

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Maybe an ant or two

Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Honestly? A turd. I was in kindergarten. Give me a break. I thought it was a cupcake.
Den 19 years ago
Who ya be? Den/Denise-OOC; Calliope, Bastian, Cameron, Abby, Becka, Delilah, Dido, Shay, Fallon, Nic, Poppy...IC
Who ya know on TAC? Know...? No one really...not yet. Just met a few.
What brought you here? Thaddeus on SA
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) I know who she is, and we've chatted a bit. I don't think I've known her well enough or long enough for a hate to build.
Do you art? All the time - pencil sketch, water colors, acrylics, and mouse
Do you write? Not in years
Like to read, if so, what? Rarely have time.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) A couple times
Do you post regularly? yep
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Some of them, without a doubt yes.

What are you listening to –right now-? Good Morning America on tv
What was the last book you read? The last Laurel K. Hamilton release
What was the last movie you saw? Invincible
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true - I met my biological father for the first and only time when I was 19. I drove into a gas station, a full serve one, the guy put gas in the car, gave me back my charge receipt, and when I got home I noticed the name of the station on the register, and it was the name on my birth certificate. I called my mom, she called the station, and sure enough I my biological father was the man who had put gas in my car...I grew up feeling that my step father was my REAL father, so I never went back, or spoke to the other man again.

1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why? David Shelborne - my psychology teacher...cause he was sexhay!!
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt. It's black, I got it at the House of Blues, and it has a really neat picture of Lestat painted on the front...(looks nothing like Tom Cruise)
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) uh...who?
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Awful...very destructive...painted my infant brother's eyes with red nail polish...he was 2 months old...I was 20 months old...:S

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I get a little creeped out when I'm near the ocean at night.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? *cries* yes...I hit and ran over a cat that ran in front of my car. It ran off, so I couldn't find it to take it to the vet. I felt physically sick and shakey for the rest of the day.

whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Escargot, I guess...
Favorite color? All of them, for one thing or another...I just like color.
Favorite cartoon character? Tinkerbelle
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Ireland
Are you right handed or left handed? Right
How is the weather right now? Cold and breezy - about 44F or 7C
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Fried Chicken
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Lottery

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Yes I cook, and though it's not MY favorite thing to make, it's requested of me more than anything else I make, and that's Shrimp Scampi

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? Don't recall having one...I played with dolls.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? A mom
Do you still want to be it? I am

New questions -

Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':

Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Den 19 years ago
Who ya be? Den/Denise-OOC; Calliope, Bastian, Cameron, Abby, Becka, Delilah, Dido, Shay, Fallon, Nic, Poppy...IC
Who ya know on TAC? Know...? No one really...not yet. Just met a few.
What brought you here? Thaddeus on SA
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) I know who she is, and we've chatted a bit. I don't think I've known her well enough or long enough for a hate to build.
Do you art? All the time - pencil sketch, water colors, acrylics, and mouse
Do you write? Not in years
Like to read, if so, what? Rarely have time.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) A couple times
Do you post regularly? yep
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Some of them, without a doubt yes.

What are you listening to –right now-? Good Morning America on tv
What was the last book you read? The last Laurel K. Hamilton release
What was the last movie you saw? Invincible
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true - I met my biological father for the first and only time when I was 19. I drove into a gas station, a full serve one, the guy put gas in the car, gave me back my charge receipt, and when I got home I noticed the name of the station on the register, and it was the name on my birth certificate. I called my mom, she called the station, and sure enough I my biological father was the man who had put gas in my car...I grew up feeling that my step father was my REAL father, so I never went back, or spoke to the other man again.

1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why? David Shelborne - my psychology teacher...cause he was sexhay!!
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt. It's black, I got it at the House of Blues, and it has a really neat picture of Lestat painted on the front...(looks nothing like Tom Cruise)
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) uh...who?
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Awful...very destructive...painted my infant brother's eyes with red nail polish...he was 2 months old...I was 20 months old...:S

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? I get a little creeped out when I'm near the ocean at night.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? *cries* yes...I hit and ran over a cat that ran in front of my car. It ran off, so I couldn't find it to take it to the vet. I felt physically sick and shakey for the rest of the day.

whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? Escargot, I guess...
Favorite color? All of them, for one thing or another...I just like color.
Favorite cartoon character? Tinkerbelle
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Ireland
Are you right handed or left handed? Right
How is the weather right now? Cold and breezy - about 44F or 7C
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? Fried Chicken
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Lottery

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Yes I cook, and though it's not MY favorite thing to make, it's requested of me more than anything else I make, and that's Shrimp Scampi

What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? Don't recall having one...I played with dolls.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? A mom
Do you still want to be it? I am

New questions -

Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it':

Where is the most exotic place you've ever been:
Tor 19 years ago
Well, shoot. If she done gone and consolidated them...

What are you listening to –right now-? Nothing!
What was the last book you read? A Feast for Crows
What was the last movie you saw? Rent

I don't tell stories. I'm boring like that.

1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Bliss - learned both science and the art of negotiation.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt. Binary 01 switch that glows in the dark. Yay ThinkGeek!
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Me
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Yes. I had phases of both.

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? A wealth of them. It comes with having seen someone sacrifice a floppy disc as a burnt offering to get their computer to work again and fixing a monitor with vanilla ice cream. Ok, there are your stories.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? No. I've chosen not to drive, so I do not posess a car. When I did, I never hit an animal, though. I have punched a seagull, though. That's got to count for something. Oh, there's another story.

whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? That's a tough one...probably an eyeball. Ok...I misled you there. It was a fake eye. Nothing too unusual, I suppose.
Favorite color? Forest Green
Favorite cartoon character? Spike Spiegel
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? That changes frequently...right now...probably New York, Vermont or Italy.
Are you right handed or left handed? I have been both, but am currently right primary.
How is the weather right now? Cool. Probably mid-fifties.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? This incredible beef noodle dish that Man makes. So good.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Medical breakthrough

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Yes. My favorite thing to make is a mess...the rules where I cook dictate that the cook doesn't clean, so I like to get good mileage out of it.
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? This rabbit I ate the ears off of as a youngin.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Aw, crap. All sorts of stuff. But in the trying most of them weren't all they were cracked up to be.
Do you still want to be it? Some of them...haven't finished the list yet.
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it': Little league baseball park (we were both highschoolers, you SICKOS)
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been: Mouth of the Carmel River in CA while it was fluming - one of the strangest and most impressive things I've ever seen
Tor 19 years ago
Well, shoot. If she done gone and consolidated them...

What are you listening to –right now-? Nothing!
What was the last book you read? A Feast for Crows
What was the last movie you saw? Rent

I don't tell stories. I'm boring like that.

1. Favorite teacher during your school years and why? Mr. Bliss - learned both science and the art of negotiation.
2. Describe your favorite t-shirt. Binary 01 switch that glows in the dark. Yay ThinkGeek!
3. In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) Me
4. Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Yes. I had phases of both.

Do you have any superstitions or phobias? A wealth of them. It comes with having seen someone sacrifice a floppy disc as a burnt offering to get their computer to work again and fixing a monitor with vanilla ice cream. Ok, there are your stories.

Have you ever hit an animal with your car? No. I've chosen not to drive, so I do not posess a car. When I did, I never hit an animal, though. I have punched a seagull, though. That's got to count for something. Oh, there's another story.

whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? That's a tough one...probably an eyeball. Ok...I misled you there. It was a fake eye. Nothing too unusual, I suppose.
Favorite color? Forest Green
Favorite cartoon character? Spike Spiegel
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? That changes frequently...right now...probably New York, Vermont or Italy.
Are you right handed or left handed? I have been both, but am currently right primary.
How is the weather right now? Cool. Probably mid-fifties.
If you could pick one meal to eat three times a week forever, what would it be? This incredible beef noodle dish that Man makes. So good.
If you could pick one LEGAL method to get rich, what would it be? Medical breakthrough

Do you cook and if so what is your favorite thing to make? Yes. My favorite thing to make is a mess...the rules where I cook dictate that the cook doesn't clean, so I like to get good mileage out of it.
What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child? This rabbit I ate the ears off of as a youngin.

What occupation did you want to be when you grew up? Aw, crap. All sorts of stuff. But in the trying most of them weren't all they were cracked up to be.
Do you still want to be it? Some of them...haven't finished the list yet.
Where is the most fun/strange place you've ever 'done it': Little league baseball park (we were both highschoolers, you SICKOS)
Where is the most exotic place you've ever been: Mouth of the Carmel River in CA while it was fluming - one of the strangest and most impressive things I've ever seen
Keriath 19 years ago
ho ya be? Keriath aka David
Who ya know on TAC? Anyone with a lifebringer sig
What brought you here? Sekret forum ;p
Do you know Mae (and did we hate each other at one point? ) Yes was guilded with mae. And no don't think i ever hated mae
What games ya played? EQ, CoH, WoW, Daoc , UO and pretty much any game
Do you art? No
Do you write? No
Like to read, if so, what? yes. fantasy sci fi.
Have you Mafia'd? (if no, WHY NOT?) no.
Do you post regularly? ehh not really
Do you consider your internet friends as dear as RL friends (or in some cases better friends)? Ehh some have become RL firends
What are you listening to –right now-? My roomate playing daoc and screaming into his mic on ventrilo
What was the last book you read? MACSOG
What was the last movie you saw? Aeon flux
Tell me a story. Any story, so long as it’s true:i killed terroist in afghainstan
Describe your favorite t-shirt. A punk rock tshirt i bought in austarila
In a fight between Mr. T and McGuyver - who would win? (if you say Mr. T, you're wrong) macguyver. he is the man
Were you a horrible child or were you pretty tame? Horrible. i was the worst child.
Do you have any superstitions or phobias?No
Have you ever hit an animal with your car?Yes senior prom. Brand new white grandam. Smacked a racoon on the way and had blood and shit all down the passanger side.
Whats the strangest thing you've ever put in your mouth? A grasshopper in afghanistan for 20 bucks
Favorite color? Dark blue
Favorite cartoon character? Rikky tikky
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?Ibbiza
Are you right handed or left handed? right handed
How is the weather right now? Muggy ;/