The OWL / owl thing is just nonsense, first off. Two entirely different things, and I don't think the mods who are skillfully crafting an immersion into the world would make a slip like that.
He was hit in the head, yes. By a Student Sevices Trophy. Now...look CAREFULLY at the sentence.
Judging by the figure that approached him, student services trophy in hand, he had only made his death a little quicker.
It isn't *A* student services trophy. Just student services. That indicates posession. Student services trophies are given to prefects for outstanding service to Hogwarts. Emaraude is a Prefect, has the prefect MANUAL in her bag. She is also clumsy, which has figured into BOTH mafia round three and four hints.
The evidence against Thaddeus isn't...that great. Mostly circumstantial, except the music thing. That is a valid point, but also weak. There is very little else pointing to him at all, except for the possibility of his skill in Charms.
Next, she, the Serial Killer, villifies Dexter for coming after her. HOW IS THAT A BAD THING FOR TOWNIES? We'll look at the clues just the same.
The getting Alex cleaned up bit is...mothering. I don't see the Hogwart's Playboy *mothering* someone. That screams female to me, and someone used to being in charge of younger kiddies. Like Emaraude again.
Other than that erroneous fact, everything hinges on the fact that Dexter wanted the Serial Killer dead. I ask, once again, how is that a bad thing?
She then used evidence that Dexter had to implicate Tonks. Nonsense and hearsay. Not an actual clue, and it is hearsay coming from the Serial Killer. Last I checked, Serial Killers aren't known for their trustworthiness.
Finally we get to Egon. Me. This is what she had to say.
Though admittedly weak, from round 3;
Admittedly weak suspicion on the grounds that people are standing around a cauldron. Oh, and I am dark and brooding. Oh, and that I actually study for classes.
Come now. These were all very well formatted ideas, but she was both the Serial Killer and reaching. Her work in other games has been MUCH more airtight. This is mostly grasping at straws to keep folks from giving her the noose.