Who are you?
I am THE Rikr...aka Don (my last name is long and it seems only a few people can pronounce it anyway)
What brought you here? I think it was SRR.com (EQ server board). I was trying to make myself a good sig, and I was a fan of Roz's sigs, so I followed the link at the bottom of hers and landed here at TAC.
Do you TAC often?
Not as much as I want to, but I usually get in 1-2 times a day. More on weekends though.
Do you Mafia?
I did once. Was great fun, however I lack writing / creative skills to do so again. That and the fact I don't have a lot of time to do much of anything anymore.
Do you art or write?
I don't have a lot of time to art much anymore. I try to do so when I can though, and I'm a horrible writer.
Favorites books?
Photoshop User.....oh wait that's a magazine. Nope no books. I don't like to read. It makes me sleepy, and I never finish them. I'll just wait for the movie.
Favorite music?
I'll listen to just about anything. I'm weird about listening to one CD over and over and over until I get sick of it, then back in the case it goes and the next CD gets the same treatment, then I start all over again with the previous CD. The current two that I've been listening to are Papa Roach - Infest, and Chris Daughtry (from American Idol). I await the flames, but Daughtry's CD is actually pretty darn good. I wanted him to win and he didn't. I was disappointed.
Have a web site?
Will have a new one soon I think...but my deviant page is
What's are your favorite internet haunts? (provide links!)
TAC of course!
Do you game?
Not currently, but I will be again in the near future, me thinks.
Do you prison eat? (protect your food from all attacks!)
It depends on what I'm eating...If what I'm eating warrants the prison eat, then I will beat people away. That shit is mine!
Have you ever e-loved?
Have you ever e-hated?
Without a doubt.
Ever broken a bone? Hairline fracture when I got hit by a car as a kid. But other than that, no real damage to this body.
Have children?
1 Boy will be 6 in August
Want children?
Yes, I hope to help produce a girl one day. What guy doesn't want a daddy's little girl?
What is your most hated pet peeve? Hypocrisy, Liars, Bad Drivers, Being Late ( I know It's more than my most hated, but I consider them as
one family of peeves)
Tattoos or piercings? No tatoos, yet. Would like one some day. Had the left ear pierced, but that was long ago, and is no more
What are your fears/phobias?
Death / losing family members, fear of heights, drowning, death by fire.
Give a short bio - tell us what you want us to know about YOU:
Well I was born in Arizona, and moved to California. In the fifth grade we moved to Texas where I am to this day. It took me many years to call Texas my home. I missed California for a long time. I'm 32 going on 33 next month (I feel old typing that). I have been working for places that havent done me too many financial favors, but hope to change that with a new opportunity that I have with a startup. It's a lot of hours, and a lot of work, but we are making some great progress. I work with some good people and a financial backer that is mentoring us along the way. It's not easy, but we are learning a lot.
I've been with my G/F for almost 4.5 years now, living together for around 4. She doesn't know it yet but she has a surprise coming her way tonight.

Read between the lines here and I'll post more about it later, hopefully it will be a good post.

We are raising a boy of almost 6 years of age, that has AD/HD issues, and has been a challenge, but he is a great kid, and I love him very much. Watching him grow over the past few years, has been an amazing journey.
I hope to become financially well off, and will post pictures of my new Vette, and Mercedes when I get them.
Cake or Pie?
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Both!!! (well at least for this weekend, before going back to the gym to lose a few.

What is the scariest thing you ever did in your life…the kind of ‘heart in your throat, so scared you might throw up’ kind of scary?
I have a fear of heights, see fear/phobias, and I love roller casters, but I cant deal with the climbs of them. At Six Flags we have the Titan coaster, and this thing is friggin tall....I started feeling like I was going to throw up on the way up. Once the first drop starts though, I'm good to go, it's just the initial climb. If that thing stops (like it did when the ride first opened), there would be NO way I could walk down. An arial rescue would have to happen for me. I couldn't walk down that hill.
If you were given one wish, for anything at all you wanted, what would you wish for?
I would give my mom her relationship back with my brother. He's pretty much turned his back on me and my mother, becuse of his shithead wife.
Would you be willing to adopt an emu?
Not unless it could live in our broom closet.
For those in a commited relationship - How did you meet your significant other?
I used to be a ner...errr uh hard core gamer playing FPS games, mostly the Quake Series. I was about to uninstall Quake, because of the online drama from the other clans I was in. One faitful night, I thought I'll give it one more shot. I found a server that had a guy with a [TEX] clan tag. Turned out they were a Texas based clan. I met one of my friends in this clan and over the next couple of years we became close friends.
He introduced me to his neice, and we went out a couple of times, and the rest is, well...history I guess. 
What is it about writing or creating artwork that made it part of your life?
When I first got into art, I wanted to create special effects for movies. I went to an art school, and learned very little, and threw away a lot of money. I started arting here at TAC to learn how to make sigs, and I made some EQ monies to help buy pieces to my 2 epics. I kept messing with Photoshop and learning on my own and reading and learning, etc. Then I got a job at this place, for sales / cust service, and they learned I could do some computer arty things, and I became their marketing/advertising guy. Over the next few years, I've expanded on art a little more, and it is what I'm doing today with this new opportunity, among other things, but my main goal is the marketing and advertising and web stuff.
What is your favorite flavor of Ice cream?
The weirder the combination, usually the better. Most Ben and Jerry's, and weird creations at Marble Slab......hell they are all my favorites. I'm not picky.
Would you ever have casual sex - have you ever had casual sex?
Never have. I'm a square I guess.
What is your weakness… one thing that you can’t help but over-indulge in?
Sweets. I have a sweet tooth, and it's been hard fending them off lately, sometimes they win though.
If you could give one person a gift who would you give it to and what would it be?
I'd give Stephanie a house bigger than the apartments and duplex we've lived in.
What was the occupation you really wanted to be when you a child? And did you achieve it or not?
I wanted to be a CHiP's guy or Richie Ritch...........neither was achieved.
Boxers or Briefs? Why?!
Neither....I wear the combo - Boxer-Briefs, because the are the most comfortable.
What's your favorite color? Why? I would have to say artisticly black, because it goes with everything. Also like green, purple, and blue.
What is a personality flaw that you have?
I would have to say that I'm not confident enough in my abilities. I'm praised by a lot of people, but I have a hard time believing in myself. This and my shyness around people. Unless I know you pretty well, I'm very quiet and to myself. I wish I were more outgoing.
Add a question for the next person!
What is the weirdest thing you like to eat. Something that other people ask you WTF?