What the hell...

This is me at the Souther Renaissance Pleasure Faire that took place at Glen Helen Regional park out in San Bernardino. It looks like the faire will not be there this year, I hope they find someplace less dusty.

I am posting this particular shot for Roz's amusement. Enjoy, hon.

edit: My sister took this picture, she has a gift for getting me with my eyes closed...

Guest 20 years ago

sry. Someone was bound to do it, why not me?

Thats a cool photo, Ive always wanted to do something like that.
Andrina 20 years ago
Boobs!! /smoochies Buphie
Zindicatt 20 years ago
Darn you look so much better than me in those renaissance clothes! I totally envy your cleavage! ... and the smile too.
blazyn 20 years ago
they are the size of my head. so awesome
Gilae 20 years ago
Holy bewbies batman!! And I thought mine were sizeable...
Actually I have a bewbie pic somewhere from this year's xmas party I should scan. OTM scanner!
ROzbeans 20 years ago
/stands up and claps

God dang woman...you are my hero. You look HAWT!
Sarah 20 years ago
oooh sessy. If I didn't already hate the size of mine I'd want them to look like that, but I'll just sit here and hate my c cups for the rest of my life.
Aziyade 20 years ago
Thanks all. I'd bow, but that could prove dangerous.

Oh, giggle @Blayzn, which head?

Zindi, you're own smile is lovely, you should not envy mine, but I do appreciate the compliment, thank you.

For those that envy the cleavage, it may be of some consolation to realize that gravity does take it's toll. They don't look quite so enticing without support. Of course, that doesn't seem to bother the husband at all.

Nalla, I bet there is Renaissance faire near you and they usually have costumes you can rent. It's loads of fun and something the whole family can enjoy.

Kaytana, C cups are plenty big. My poor sister barely fills an A cup!
Sarah 20 years ago

Kaytana, C cups are plenty big. My poor sister barely fills an A cup!

Ask if she wants to trade, I didn't have these damned things until I had babies, now they won't go away.
Identikit 20 years ago
you look so RACK....great!
Aziyade 20 years ago
Sorry, Kay, I think she's pretty happy with them.

@ Identikit
Guest 20 years ago
Embarassed Thanks all. I'd bow, but that could prove dangerous.

oh lmao my sides hurt. That was funny. /giggle

Ask if she wants to trade, I didn't have these damned things until I had babies, now they won't go away. Wink

lmao Im the opposite - I had D cups starting in about 8th grade then I had kids and breastfed, and somehow I think my daughter took em with her when she stopped breastfeeding. they gone now.

Cest La Vie /sniff
blazyn 20 years ago
I invite all the ladies to come to my forum for a continued discussion of their and other women's breasts!
Tiime Panacea 20 years ago
Just Erin 20 years ago
OH MY, that cleavage could hurt people!
Your cleavage is better than mine, I'm impressed!

I love your Ren. costume, it's gorgeous.
zaura 20 years ago
I wish I had the courage to wear anything that reveals cleavage. I had a wardrobe accident once, and have been petrified of doing that again. ops:
Guest 20 years ago
I'm very careful not to wear anything low cut to work, but the rest of my wardrobe is specifically designed show my tittays.
Gilae 20 years ago
I'm very careful not to wear anything low cut to work, but the rest of my wardrobe is specifically designed show my tittays.

Ditto this.
zaura 20 years ago
I tend to think that when you are of a particular boobage that pretty much anything you wear shows off the boobs, lol. Low cut is just daring them to sproing out of the clothing.
Guest 20 years ago
I tend to think that when you are of a particular boobage that pretty much anything you wear shows off the boobs, lol. Low cut is just daring them to sproing out of the clothing.

That's happened