We had one baby shower last weekend and another one this weekend. (2 sides of the families decided to have one due to the size. One would have been too big.) Yeah, we're registered at Babies R Us..I don't know the link.....but most of the stuff she can use or wear, will take a few months for her to fit in them anyway. hehehe We have a bassinet that will convert into a play pen, and we have the stroller/car seat thing, that matches the bassinet, its brown / pink cherry blossom. Supposed to get a crib from my brother, and I'm going to paint butterflies and stuff on her walls. Gonna try to get creative there.

If it turns out looking ok, I'll post pics....if not, I'll just pretend I didn't even mention it. lol
She's been doing ok. Some reflux issues, and mucus buildup in her nose and throat, since she doesn't know how to swallow just yet. She makes an awful lot of boogies though. They get sucked out regularly. This makes me sad that boogies and reflux affects her breathing sometimes. They are things she should grow out of though.
They did blood work on her and her red blood cell counts came up a little from the other day, which means she is producing some red blood cells. They say she should out grow her anemia...that her count going up today was a good sign. She will still most likely have a few more transfusions before its all said and done, but the increase is a good sign that she will out grow it.
She needs to gain more weight than she is gaining. They up her ml of food per hour, because they have to, and if her reflux gets worse they will give her reflux meds. They are also saying they might bump her added calories from 24 to 26 to help her gain weight. One good thing is they said they were going to try to start introducing the bottle to her in about 2 weeks. Hopefully this goes well. This is one of the last steps before she will be cleared to come home.
She has to be able to feed either from breast or bottle, maintain her body temperature and breathe on her own. They keep saying overall she is doing well, even with her current issues. I've been looking at it half empty instead of full lately. The NICU alarms on all the babies going off make me a nervous wreck. I just want her home. I think that in about a week, that we'll be about halfway there.
Oh yeah...She will be 1 month old tomorrow!!!! (Currently 31 weeks corrected age). We're getting there. Slow process...*sigh*..
I think I'm going to start a journal. My stepmother suggested it. I think it would be a good idea. Helps me when I type a bunch of update stuff. Would like for her to read it one day. Anyway I'm starting to ramble and get bummed.