Rikr's baby adventure!

We went to the doctor today. Got first set of pictures. Steph is 15 weeks, but we don't know what it is yet. I was bummed; I want to know. Steph said she didn't see a stem, but we'll know for sure next month.
Due date is Feb 5, 2008. I can't wait.

Laschae 16 years ago
Aww she looks so sweet I bet she has you wrapped around her finger!
Lolanae 16 years ago
She's soo precious! I'm glad she's doing so well.

SnowDragon 16 years ago
Aww she is so gorgeous and she has gotten so big!
Lolanae 16 years ago
How's the little lady?
Rikr 16 years ago
She's doing well Lolanae. She's getting bigger and getting frustrated that she isn't mobile quite yet. She's getting close to moving around, so that should make life even more hectic around here. She's doing the whole teething thing, and she seems to be doing ok so far. It could be worse. Thanks for asking hehe
Lessa 16 years ago
something my oldest son did.. and your little one might want to try it, though not sure how mobile she is hehe. He figured out if he held onto our legs, he could walk upright.. this was like. 5-6 months or so he was doing this I think.. since he took his first 5 steps at 7 months.. I need to find a picture of that to show..

we also used to excersize him.. by laying him on his back and moving his legs ( like bicicle motion) and he loved it.. hehe.
Lolanae 16 years ago
Ughh! Teething sucks! We've been teething for almost 5 months now, so if you need tips, lemme know. =)
ROzbeans 16 years ago
David hasn't sprung a tooth yet and he's just about 6 months O_o