ROUND 5 discussion (OOC)

Lynch - Boris
Mafia - Jayden

pharren 14 years ago
I'm at work and I need to be at home!
Ksagag 14 years ago
Clues from the Hit

she fidgeted with her hair

Another fidgeting/twitching reference. Maybe points to Myraan?

one of the trailing patrons who looked less likely to kill her savagely

Jayden looked at the patron, from head to toe – she didn’t sense immediate danger, not with this one, but it still made her uncomfortable.

Someone not threating? I'll have to look on this one.

like a scared turtle

Another animal reference

her dread lock hair spread out like a halo surrounding her head

Could this have something to do with her being on the Angels' side? But if she was then that would make her mafia and that doesn't make sense.

Jayden Donovan’s entire body had been mutilated, sliced with something not as sharp as a blade, but thin enough to leave deep wounds.

Not as sharp as a blade, but thin... hmmm. I'll have to search and come back to this.

Her breasts where exposed but the center of it was free of blood or destroyed tissue, and in the center of that perfect area was her simple, gold cross.

Another reference to the Angels/God?
Verileah 14 years ago
Damn you're right

I can never hear those words enough from you .
Ksagag 14 years ago
-could be unassuming
-switchblade (even though something duller and thinner? was used in this hit)

-could be unassuming
-fidgeting clues seem REALLY big for me since it keeps being mentioned
-all the other clues from past hits that strongly point to her

-could also be unassuming considering he's a smaller man
-protractor (could be the weapon from the hit, but I would think it would be difficult to use)
-"but he rarely takes the time to "see" it - solving complex problems is his passion" Could be a reference to what Boris says about not being about to 'see' it like he can

-he is a bigger man

-could be unassuming

-bigger man
-tactical knife
-"he has no problems watching men and women die around him that he knows nothing about. "

(I am going through everyone's bio that is still alive to try to match clues with the last hit even if I don't suspect them. This is just to get a general idea of where we are... no accusations yet lol)

The rest are coming. Taking a quick break.
Ksagag 14 years ago
-bigger man, but in poor condition

-could be unassuming
-a bottle opener (prolly wouldn't make a good cutting utensil lol, but I thought I'd mention it)
-multi tool (like a pocket knife?)
-"Smart and capable, she is a model of efficiency and resourcefulness"
-"She has a take-charge personality that unfortunately bleeds over beyond her responsibilities"

-could be unassuming
-animal reference

The Professor/nickenstien
-animal reference
-found the word 'blunt' in his bio, could be reference to the weapon that wasn't as sharp as a knife i.e. blunt
-"regards all around him with utter contempt"
-slide rule (googled pics and it looks like it could fit the weapon description from this hit)

-could be unassuming
-"Though cordial enough to those around him"
-STRONG animal reference
-pocket knife
-steel spatula (weapon??)
Ksagag 14 years ago
-bigger man, looks kind of threatening imo
-I think a lot of the clues point to him as being mafia from past hits, but no so much this last one. :/

-could be assuming to a female
-"gold medallion necklace" Jayden's necklace was a gold cross
-pocket knife
-abusive history towards females
Ksagag 14 years ago
After finding all the clues I think the Professor and Myraan are the most guilty. With Sammy coming in next. I image-googled steel spatulas and they look like they could do some damage!
Greywood 14 years ago
Yea, at first I thought of the bottle opener attachment but was at lunch so couldn't recall who had it and wasn't going to mess with the long loading times on the phone; however, the steel spatula to me seems to be the best possible "weapon" that is thin and isn't a knife.
ShutUpSara 14 years ago
I'm volunteering with my college's summer program for needy kids this week/started last week, so I'm not going to be around again most likely

I'd just like to say that my initial gut instinct of Wyst being Mafia gets closer to be proven each round. NEVER TRUST WILFORD BRIMLEY!
Greywood 14 years ago
Also, the biggest thing in common for the mafia victims is starting to run out...but they've held true to what they've been doing so far.
Ksagag 14 years ago
Now the task is to go back and add everything together to see who fits the best overall. Like I said Myraan has been a constant suspect, so has the Professor, but now a couple more people are coming to light.

And yes, I think out of all the items everyone had/has the spatula makes the most sense. Which would mean Sammy is one of the Mafia.
Greywood 14 years ago

And yes, I think out of all the items everyone had/has the spatula makes the most sense. Which would mean Sammy is one of the Mafia.

And he was a major suspect early according to several people but was "exonerated" later by some ooc posts...which may have been very clever posting on his part!
Ksagag 14 years ago
True. I think I voted for him once, but then he kind of fell off the 'hit list'. He's now on of my main suspects...

I looked back at the spreadsheet and now I remember. He was up against Ruth for the lynch and ended up getting himself out of it somehow. lol.
Vulash 14 years ago
Why do you think the professor is more likely than Sammy? Fantastic clue digging by the way - I'm heading home soon so I'll try ot help out.

How many different animals have been references now PLUS the spatula? I'm not saying lynch him, but he's back on my radar after falling off with some clever (or sincere) posting and voting.

Damn Ill go through it all soon
Kilandra 14 years ago
man.. now I understand why so many people don't actually RP in this game...
Ksagag 14 years ago
Why do you think the professor is more likely than Sammy?

Looking back and now that I remember the Sammy/Ruth thing I was gunning for him pretty hard. So as of right now I guess I don't have favorites, but the main people I'm looking at are Myraan, Sammy, and the Professor (in no particular order)

I have class tonight so I won't be able to get back on until late tonight, but I will definitely catch up as soon as I can.

man.. now I understand why so many people don't actually RP in this game...

Lol I haven't even had a chance with all the OOC clue-digging
pharren 14 years ago
Yeah, I kinda wish I had RPed *more*... I like my character and wanted to develop him a little more. I had a story planned out and everything. It's too late in the game now though unless I summarized all the scenes that should have already been written, and that just kind of kills the idea for me. Like, it would be a little weird to start Scene 2 of The Joel Thomas Story where the bank teller responds to his overtures, in the midst of this much carnage.

Oh well! I suppose I could go back through the days and tack on my RP responses... hmm...
Vulash 14 years ago
I wanted to RP but I spend all the time I have on here digging and thinking and posting
Vulash 14 years ago
I'm volunteering with my college's summer program for needy kids this week/started last week, so I'm not going to be around again most likely

I'd just like to say that my initial gut instinct of Wyst being Mafia gets closer to be proven each round. NEVER TRUST WILFORD BRIMLEY!

You've already voted without listening to anything anyone has to say, and now you're just pretending that whole sheriff crap didn't happen, and those PMs?
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Sara said earlier that this is the last time she'll be around for the game due to personal commitments =/ I think that's why she voted early.