ROUND 5 discussion (OOC)

Lynch - Boris
Mafia - Jayden

nickenstien 14 years ago
Things are SNAPping into place.

Errrm. I did take your post as humerus. Didn't you see the "wuuuzzz wuuuzzz wuzzzz whizzzz" reply?

All I'm saying is that I no longer see you as safe, and the tribunal idea now has no merit.
Verileah 14 years ago
I'm having trouble with clue mining for some reason, so I thought I'd try a different approach. Here are my notes on actual mafia behaviors - not motifs, but what we know that the mafia is actually like based on their reactions and their victim's observations. No names mentioned yet

Some notes:

Mafia killings all feature mutilated corpses. Now this is a violent game, but I think we’re looking for someone or someones with a real sicko side.

The mafia contains someone reminiscent of the joker.

The mafia contains someone misogynistic.

… someone who seems helpful? Nice manners? (called Jayden ‘Miss’, seemed helpful at first)

Someone who regards others thoughtfully

Someone large (Breathing down her neck – or would this imply someone only a little larger than KaAnna?)

Someone appraising, maybe even meek, more afraid of us than we are of them?

Someone with a sneering snarky attitude.

Someone who would be able to identify cocaine with confidence

Someone able to raise one eyebrow (lol)

Someone bald

Someone who knows what to do with a gun

Someone who is the strong silent type
Vulash 14 years ago
Errrm. I did take your post as humerus. Didn't you see the "wuuuzzz wuuuzzz wuzzzz whizzzz" reply?

All I'm saying is that I no longer see you as safe, and the tribunal idea now has no merit.

You tried to discredit the plan immediately too. I don't mind doubting, but using really silly stretches for clues and then jumping to this conclusion is suspicious. There have been number clues, and OCD clues as people have pointed out - I don't mind people pointing those out because they're there. But to say "um Reginald was wearing an off color green tie, and then there was a quote from one of the original batman movies, but in the newest unrelated batman movie health ledger wore a green shirt or something - you could call it off color green I guess - therefore reginald is mafa! WE MUST ABANDON THE PLAN THIS IS A MUCH STRONGER CLUE THAN THE FACT THAT VULASH HELPED US LYNCH A MAFIA MEMBER!"

Come on man. You're just incriminating yourself.

I haven't setup the tribunal yet anyway - I'm still working on part 2 of the plan, and not sure tribunal is the safe way to go. It should tell you something that I've tried to put so many safety stops in place with each plan that DON'T rely on people trusting me.
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
I think we need to be a little careful reading too much in to people's responses. Nick's, while a bit self-incriminating, are exactly the sorts of replies I would associate with him generally regardless of role. Having said that, I wouldn't trust the twat as far as I can throw him (and I can't throw things very far at all).

(and I mean all that in the nicest possible way, Nick. Love you, obv)

That the Joker ref could point to costume and/or mannerisms as opposed to scars did cross my mind earlier, as did the green shirt. But in all honesty I found this all a bit too tenuous. I just can't see somebody being reminded of the Joker specifically on something as simple as a shirt colour. Of course, the other thing to note is that at the point in the film when the Joker utters that famous line, he isn't scarred or dressed in a wacky costume - it's all from a flashback. So technically it would point to someone dressed in a more traditional gangster outfit.
Vulash 14 years ago
I think we need to be a little careful reading too much in to people's responses. Nick's, while a bit self-incriminating, are exactly the sorts of replies I would associate with him generally regardless of role. Having said that, I wouldn't trust the twat as far as I can throw him (and I can't throw things very far at all).

(and I mean all that in the nicest possible way, Nick. Love you, obv)

That the Joker ref could point to costume and/or mannerisms as opposed to scars did cross my mind earlier, as did the green shirt. But in all honesty I found this all a bit too tenuous. I just can't see somebody being reminded of the Joker specifically on something as simple as a shirt colour. Of course, the other thing to note is that at the point in the film when the Joker utters that famous line, he isn't scarred or dressed in a wacky costume - it's all from a flashback. So technically it would point to someone dressed in a more traditional gangster outfit.

Well by no means am I saying lynch Nick - it's just something to file away if clues start popping up. Right now there are others with far more clues and suspicious behavior to worry about.

I just don't see freaking out because we failed on one lynch - it's going to happen in every game. Right now we're working together better than we were before, and better than most games.

I'll be clue searching tonight, but it might be a big later I have a softball game and I'm at work now. I have some other stuff in the works, but its not quite secure/safe enough to jump start yet.

Without the sheriff we really aren't following the plan now anyway - that lasted for one night and we killed a mafia. The last hit was more just a consensus than part of the plan. If the sheriff decides to show up miraculously then we might start working on that route again.

The hits concern me a little - the mafia knows what they are doing. They're killing off everyone that is quiet with few clues - which leaves us without a solid foundation of trust for anyone left. We've got to figure out a way to curb them again.
Verileah 14 years ago
God fucking damn, I agree with Binky again, on his assessment of Nick anyway. Right down to the little <3s (xoxo Nick!)

However, I don't think you're correct about the Joker's line - when I looked it up I saw a clip of the joker in full makeup and costume. If anything this makes me think I was incorrect in tying together the joker clue and the way the murder victim was found, since they're from different movies/versions of the joker, and we should be more focused on the Jack Nicholson joker with his heavy makeup and crazy costume (as well as anything else that might remind someone of that particular joker).
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
Oh yeah, Nicholson repeats the line later on when it's revealed to Bruce Wayne that the Joker killed his parents. Forgot about that. The flashback bit sticks in my mind more, obv. However, I did have a look through the bio's and the only thing that stuck out costume-wise was the aforementioned tenuously linked green shirt - but I also didn't really consider make-up at the time. Since the scars seemed to be a false-start, make-up might be a better avenue for investigation.

I'm not really convinced that mannerisms are the link since the line came pretty rapidly indicating a visual reference. I mean, what kind of mannerisms would you associate with the Joker which would trigger that memory so rapidly?
Vulash 14 years ago
Ella also has scars on her face, and one of the other girls - either nichole or myraan, I forget, wears heavy makeup
Verileah 14 years ago
I thought Ella has scars on her wrists and throat?

Nicole wears heavy makeup (specifies heavy in her bio) and is interested in make up as a career.
Vulash 14 years ago
"Scars on both wrists by the thumb that are very noticeable. Scars on throat that are barely noticeable until you are extremely close."

I guess it is throat, but I'm not sure that invalidates the clue
Ksagag 14 years ago
Yes, Nichole wears heavy makeup and also is trying to get a loan for cosmetology school, but I didn't believe that's enough to link me to the other hits. But it's in my bio so take it as you will.

Another thought I had on the Joker subject... anyone see She's All That? Anyways, this artistic girl gets made fun of at a party and the mean girl passes out in the bathroom. The artistic girl paints the passed out girl's face like a clown/joker. Myraan is a very artistic girl...
It's probably a HUGE stretch, but that's another thought that came to me. (I'm trying to find a pic of it right now)
Kilandra 14 years ago
every time I come to the forums it gets shorter... and now the vote thread is missing? Is this just me?
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Round 5 vote -

Check your forum settings, Kilandra. I haven't touched any of the threads and nothing has been moved or deleted.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
I went in and checked the forum settings from the admin panel. It had been set to 'show new from last day' and now it's set to 'show all threads'. That might have been it.
pharren 14 years ago

It's a little late, and some of these might have been posted already, but I'm just going to post the things that stand out to me anyways (the ones I don't think anyone posted yet but am too lazy to double check). Have a raid supposedly starting in 8 minutes so let's see how fast I can go!

Trailing behind the crowd, afraid to be alone -- Afraid to be alone, like Ruth? Coincidence, I bet.

she fidgeted with her hair -- More twitching.

pulling at a lock and chewing on it -- I know she has dreadlocks, but this just means a lock of hair (I think), and I know locks are mentioned elsewhere... probably cause we're in a bank! It might have been the Ruth scene I'm thinking of, but I know I just saw locks mentioned somewhere other than "dreadlocks".

Jayden felt a tear roll down her cheek as she looked back into the faces of the lynch mob as they slowly filed passed her -- Significant?

‘I have to go to the bathroom,’ she whispered with a small, scared voice -- How ironic. Back to the bathroom we go! Why a "small, scared voice"? Is this just something her character would be likely to do?

The patron looked at her with an open appraisal – no doubt searching to see if she was capable of hurting anyone, especially them -- Open appraisal, and wondering if the owner of this "small, scared voice" could hurt them? Odd.

‘We shouldn’t…’ -- Why not? You're God's chosen Angels of Death, aren't you? Is it because she has the cross? Or is it a clue. Someone reluctant for another reason?

Shrugging, she blushed. ‘Bathroom.’ -- More blushing, more bathroom, more murder! It's Agent Deadguy all over again!

Another patron stopped and looked at them thoughtfully -- More Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy.

Jayden was attracting more attention than she had wanted and it was making her even more nervous than she thought possible -- Something about her attracting "more attention than she had wanted" makes this stick out for me.

Tightly compacted, she pushed by the seemingly helpful patrons -- Tightly compacted sticks out; because someone has a compact? Coincidence, probably (she was probably the one with the compact anyways, don't feel like checking).

ran to the stairs only to feel the door push back as if someone was standing on the other side, preventing her from escaping -- This goes with the one below:

Jayden pushed as hard as she could on the door, but now it barely budged -- Is there a person on the other side, or not? Why did it first, apparently, move, and the second time it won't? Prose or clue?

Luc looked at the crowd and wondered aloud. ‘Surely God will crush the heads of his enemies, the hairy crowns of those who go on in their sins.’ -- I can't figure this out. Quotes like these leave me all confused because God's Angels are the ones doing all the killing. Does it refer to the Mafia or the Townies or is it just more filler?

Sweet, finished just in time for raid invite. Four minutes early, actually. Maybe afterwards I'll go back over this hodgepodge and see if anything matches up with bios (but probably not cause it will be late and I'm lazy; someone else do it kk thx)
Vulash 14 years ago
Working on clues now!
Kilandra 14 years ago
wow, they are ALL back now! Thanks. I will check my settings also. I feel stupid now lol

edit: checked them, they were/are forum default, so I don't know. thanks anyway !
Vulash 14 years ago
-"but didn’t need prodding" Is this another cattle reference?

-"We can guard the door" someone's dad was a security guard here at the bank - I think Verileah's - but this is a bit of a stretch

- Wouldn't someone breathing down her neck need to be relatively the same height - just slightly taller?

- "miss" - the killer is a cowboy!

"ayden pushed as hard as she could on the door, but now it barely budged" - IT"S STUCK WITH THE PROFESSOR"S BLU-TAC. I'm kidding here

- Could the snap have been a switchblade? Probably a ton of other options - was the thing that snapped the notknife?

Searching bios now
nickenstien 14 years ago

Jayden felt a tear roll down her cheek as she looked back into the faces of the lynch mob as they slowly filed passed her -- Significant?

I also considered this as a potential cattle herding reference, but disregarded it due to it being about the lynch mob.

But when it's paired with:

-"but didn’t need prodding" Is this another cattle reference?

(which I completely missed) it does now seem more significant having two potential herding references.

Tightly compacted, she pushed by the seemingly helpful patrons -- Tightly compacted sticks out; because someone has a compact? Coincidence, probably (she was probably the one with the compact anyways, don't feel like checking).

Like I said Yesturday, Ksagag & Khilandra are the the ones with compact mirrors (potentially the slicing tool.)

And they both fit the "too small to _seem_ intimidating to Jayden" motif.

(FAO Binky & Verileah: LoooOOOooove youuuu! <3 <3 xoxoxox)
Vulash 14 years ago
I also considered this as a potential cattle herding reference, but disregarded it due to it being about the lynch mob.

But when it's paired with:

(which I completely missed) it does now seem more significant having two potential herding references.

Like I said Yesturday, Ksagag & Khilandra are the the ones with compact mirrors (potentially the slicing tool.)

And they both fit the "too small to _seem_ intimidating to Jayden" motif.

(FAO Binky & Verileah: LoooOOOooove youuuu! <3 <3 xoxoxox)

I just went through the bios- those two are at the top of my list. Eating, but I want to check back on voting and posting trends of them. I'm not sure which of the two to go for. My other thought is gongaa