ROUND 5 discussion (OOC)

Lynch - Boris
Mafia - Jayden

Vudu 14 years ago
granted i don't post alot i've been around... as for your clues Vulash i've been on a highlighting spree with my character sheet... trying to rack your clues up with my character sheet i have to agree Myraan has alot of different colors on her Bio... granted your post scares me about your watching how many post come from who because i may not post alot but i did flip a spit when i got pointed fingers at... but i've been behind your plan this entire time and your clues plus pharren's clues have been giving me alot of highlights and my eyes are starting to go numb from all the funky colors i have on this... granted i am even highlighting myself on everyones behalf with clues being throw around.

Im with you Vulash i agree Myraan your Bio has alot of colors and crossing your name out with a black sharpie might save my highlighters another day
Kilandra 14 years ago
love how you say that it can't be you, so ... can I just say the same thing? Can't possibly be someone else, has to be me. Can I also use the 'don't waste your time lynching me" bit too?

1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
Vulash 14 years ago
granted i don't post alot i've been around... as for your clues Vulash i've been on a highlighting spree with my character sheet... trying to rack your clues up with my character sheet i have to agree Myraan has alot of different colors on her Bio... granted your post scares me about your watching how many post come from who because i may not post alot but i did flip a spit when i got pointed fingers at... but i've been behind your plan this entire time and your clues plus pharren's clues have been giving me alot of highlights and my eyes are starting to go numb from all the funky colors i have on this... granted i am even highlighting myself on everyones behalf with clues being throw around.

Im with you Vulash i agree Myraan your Bio has alot of colors and crossing your name out with a black sharpie might save my highlighters another day

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that anyone that was quiet was mafia. Most of the mafia hits are targeting quiet townies it seems. I was just saying people in the background that come in and focus on one clue or one or two people, but leave the rest out - need looked at. That's it.
Wystro 14 years ago
*looks at all of the data, charts, and graphs*

Once your used to looking at the Matrix, you can see the pictures...

*points out three screens one-by-one*

That one's blonde.....brunette....redhead...
nickenstien 14 years ago
Nick you are also kind of awesome.

Edit - except that wasn't very nice! Back to the Future References = good, backhandedly calling people stupid = bad *spanks Nick*

Oh, come on!

Everyone here seems to have a well balanced sense of humour. It was a jovial snipe that I'm sure nobody could take the wrong way.
Verileah 14 years ago
I think a metal spatula fits the "bill of the murder weapon" even better then a broken compact mirror.

I agree with this.

Think I will sleep on the vote :\.

Nick we keep posting at the same time, turning everything into an editing flustercluck of messy! Anyway, will stop being mommy now and go to bed .
ShutUpSara 14 years ago
Oy. I has a tired. And I don't want Myraan to be Mafia, I helpeded her when she was almost eaten by the elevator
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
I don't want to sound like I'm leaping to Nick's defense, but if he's anything like me is it not possible he wrote a reply, left the page open, and then edited without refreshing? Dunno, I wasn't up at the time so the chronology of events is a little lost on me.

Regardless, Myraan has been someone we've had on the radar for some time, so it sounds sensible to me.
Verileah 14 years ago
The finger tattoos
The organized purse
Some suspicious behavior
The mirror/reflection connection
The twitching

She’s just not fitting anyone in my little mafia profile sheet
The failed lynch made her look innocent
People (people I am suspicious of) jumping all over the bandwagon after Vulash’s post make me nervous
I don’t think she had the murder weapon this round – I’m not loving the “compact mirror as a murder weapon” theory

So that’s where I am with this. After some sleep and maybe a break from the paranoia…I’m questioning the validity of the joker clue and thinking that maybe Roz was just watching the movie when she posted. Either that or I’m not going to figure out what it means. Sammy was my personal #1 for today but I wasn’t aggressive in pushing a voting agenda – I sort of feel like maybe that’s letting my team down but I want people to agree with me because they also found the same clues. Maybe that’s too dirty hippy idealistic for this game *laughs*.

I'll vote when I get back from dropping the kid off at camp, still plenty of time to make up my mind.
pharren 14 years ago
I've suspected Myraan since day 1. I don't buy the compact mirror as the weapon, but "compact" was in the last hit. As unlikely as it seems irl, the spatula is the best bet for murder weapon, unless we overlooked something. I don't buy the Joker clues, either. The "wrongful deaths" thing is the only thing keeping me from flat-out declaring Myraan a Mafia member. I choose to believe Vulash is a Townie. At some point, you have to place faith in something. His plan is good. It can definately work. He made a very solid case against Myraan. Does he claim to be infallible? No. But I believe if we stick with Vulash, we WILL win.

Vulash for Prez '12
pharren 14 years ago
PS: not trying to tell you how to vote, just telling you why I'm voting the way I am.
Vulash 14 years ago
The wrongful death thing makes me very nervous too, but I don't know what else to do and we can't keep ignoring the clues for her because of it.

I could definitely be wrong. I usually am several times in this game, but at some point you just have to do it.

ShutUpSara - are you still playing or not? It matters.
Verileah 14 years ago
Yeah, I know you just have to rip off the band aid.

Fuck it, I don't know why I'm being so belligerent. Sammy was my #1 but Myraan was my #2. Y'all convinced me that the lynch made her look innocent, I was never sold on that before.

I'm just a stubborn old billiegoat I guess.
Vulash 14 years ago
I'm a bit nervous with everyone voting for her so easily - it feels like Boris all over gain.

Sammy was my #2 (was #3 but after rereading the OOCs and stuff Nichole fell to #3 and Sammy moved up).
Verileah 14 years ago
My feet, they are cold!
pharren 14 years ago
If you *both* are so nervous about it, I'm not opposed to the idea of changing my vote. It's not written in stone, yet. Like I said, I'm not going to blindly follow anyone if I strongly disagree. I'm not sold on Sammy. The possibility of the spatula as the weapon is the ONLY solid evidence against him, imo. The rest is ambiguous enough to fit 2 others. But if you both agree... besides, I like to think if you were both Mafia, I'd be dead by now
Verileah 14 years ago
I'll stand by my vote, I'm just wibbling.
Ksagag 14 years ago
Vulash for Prez '12

Vulash 14 years ago
Logically its the right lynch I just have a bad feeling
Kilandra 14 years ago
like a lamb to the slaughter. thank you good shepherd.