Created on 08/17/2005 • 44 Posts & 7 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- post Mana stones.. mmmhmmm.. Lower guk trains.... "Need help with hand in ass!"--man I loved guk... Being on the frenzied ghoul list... for 9 17 years ago
- post meddiki is my fucking hero. 17 years ago
- thread If anyone knows where I could find a copy of this game, I'd kill for one and pay an arm and a leg for it. send me a PM. 17 years ago
- post Mylec;77485You are still no match for my level 70 bard skills!!!!111!!! Grats on graduation, man! Bards are like lightweights in fight 17 years ago
- post I'm sorry roz 17 years ago
- post Fucking stoners.... 17 years ago
- post 160th SOAR is the only special operations aviation regiment in the world. google it to find the history that we can talk about, or go to ww 17 years ago
- post Thanks mae! I'm not sure if the picture in acu's is slanted or I'm leaning in it from the 12 mile road march the day before that lol, I hav 17 years ago
- thread Graduation from Enlisted Green Platoon (selection and qualification course) class 07-04, for the 160th SOAR.. Also pictures from AIT Graduat 17 years ago
- post Rampaging through the cliffs, brandishing a mighty sword, cometh Kindal! And he gives a bloodthirsty bellow: "I'm going to cram objects i 17 years ago
- post It took me 6 months to really get the writing, wings, cross, and location I wanted it at decided. I came up with it when I was still at for 18 years ago
- thread Heres what it is, little something I made here on base.. [URL=""]http://myspace 18 years ago
- post Kanye West is a bitch. 'Nuff said. 18 years ago
- post Haha, I just got kicked in the nuts because I did this to a guy in my platoon. 18 years ago
- thread Whats up everyone? :cool Hows life? I'm lovin' the Army now, at Fort Rucker, still... Currently I've got orders to go to Germany for my 18 years ago
- post The man should have a glass stiring rod from a chemistry lab shoved into his pee hole and have his dick smashed by 2 bricks, so all the litt 18 years ago
- post Sorry ya'll, just got some computer time finally, my new MOS is Air Traffic Controller. That'll make some bank in the civilian world once I 18 years ago
- post Heres a better quality picture 18 years ago
- thread Well, I got offered a new MOS instead of my discharge, so I took it! Got some leave, and heres me and the folks! 18 years ago
- post Cute Gilae! Congratulations! 18 years ago