Created on 02/17/2007 • 31 Posts & 0 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- post *waves to all* How is everyone on this quiet sunday? 16 years ago
- post Lmfao too cute, and look at those baby blues 16 years ago
- post I'm so sorry hons i'm totally out of this, I had the most busy weekend and then my little one needed her mommy really bad, so I haven't been 16 years ago
- post Thankies 16 years ago
- post Can anyone orb over to the Netherlands and rescue me from work please? I'll give you a cookie if you do! 16 years ago
- post I cook dinner every night for 3 people (husband, little girl and me) and it usually takes about 45 mins to an hour from prep to finish, my h 16 years ago
- post Thanks everyone I had a nice day, had to work so eh.. but i got a brand new computer from my hubby (got it last weekend pre b-day) and a l 16 years ago
- post gah... i have so little time to write up my bio.. afraid it will be short and sweet 16 years ago
- post Thanks darlings! I feel so special today i'm getting a ton of b-day wishes from everyone *squee* and did you just say SHOES!!! 16 years ago
- post I do like it, the shoes i'm not wild about but the mask and the corset are fab for sure 16 years ago
- post Captain's Name: Angela "Angel" Maria Tasman Ship's Name: Emerald Princess Ship Type: Schoener *grin* Nationality: Caribbean with Dutch and A 16 years ago
- post Already congratulated you on MSN but anyway doing it here again *giggle* Congrats sis, you totally deserve this feature 17 years ago
- post That's gorgeous hon, thanks for the links and i can't wait to see Lexi once she's finished 17 years ago
- post happy holidays to all hope it's a lovely time to spend with family and loved ones for all of you 17 years ago
- post Well whatever right? if she's into girls let her be into girls? just as long as she's not powdering her nose or getting smashed drunk 17 years ago
- post /hugs tight, stealing? hon that's terrible. 17 years ago
- post Looks really great, I can't wait to see what it will look like when you take it into photoshop 17 years ago
- post God.. the world is coming to an end safe the women and children!!! 17 years ago
- post Yeah it was my first full length book too and i even wrote a book report on it in highschool 17 years ago
- post O wow... it's finally coming! that was the first Tolkien book, they should have filmed that before the whole LotR series as it starts with t 17 years ago