Mr. Smith stood stoically in the Lobby. -- Any Spartans out there? :\ Maybe one of the Armed Forces vets.
‘buyer’s remorse’ -- Not sure about this. Townies often get the blues after they kill somebody. We won't know for certain if we really lynched the SK or not until the time comes and passes for the SK kill.
while he was in deep thought -- This is the third? time someone has been "deep in thought". Again, I ask, any Philosophers?
it was the FBI agent’s gun -- This may or may not be significant. Half the people in the bank are carrying/familiar with guns, the other half are carrying knives. AND EVERYONES GOT RED FUCKING HAIR WTF
‘Oh that’s cocaine. Believe me, I’d know.’
‘Easy to get for you, I suppose.’
Duuno about this one. Who would have ready access to large amount of cocaine?
‘Well what do you all want?’
‘Us? Oh…’
‘Wine, women and song…yes, I get it,’ Mr. Smith said exasperated.
‘No, I don’t think you do.’
Divinity: Any priests/nuns/devout people? Or just a reference to them being on God's side?
Fame: ?
Wine, women and song: Unless there's a wino out there, this could refer to me! But it's John Smith saying it, so it may not be relevant (and I'm a Townie anyways)
Picking up a stapler from one of the loan officer desks -- I BELIEVE YOU HAVE MY STAPLER
Another of the group reached under the desk and yanked on the telephone cord, grabbing about six feet of it -- Six was also mentioned in the lynch - the vault walls were 6 times stronger than the turn-of-the-century vaults (or whatever the quote was, don't feel like opening another tab while I'm on a roll). Six mafia members? Is the 6 in the lynch relevant somehow? Seems to great a coincidence, but why would it be mentioned in the lynch, unless:
1.) There are six Mafia
2.) All six Mafia voted the same
‘This is so high school. Can you at least be a little more creative?’ -- Anyone a high school student? I doubt it. Maybe the creativity part is the relevant part, or maybe it's not a clue at all.
He was not surprised to feel the piercing of half a dozen bullets into his back, pulverizing his heart. -- Another reference to six.
With a sigh, the monotone officer replied, ‘Meh. No quote this time?' -- Did the other Luc and Alex appearances all feature quotes? I wasn't really paying attention, until whoever pointed out whoever quoting whoever in the lynch. Did they all have quotes? And, who were they quoting?
Going back through the stuff in a few minutes here to try and answer some of my own questions!