Created on 02/03/2006 • 1173 Posts & 47 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- post I like her! There's almost something... kittenish about her face morph. It doesn't look like a cat, but somehow reminds me of one... 16 years ago
- thread This probably has the most postwork I've yet attempted on a piece - and a good portion of that was because Poser suddenly started hating me. 16 years ago
- post welcome welcome!!! 16 years ago
- thread I know that people have looked for suggestions in the past - just tripped over this and thought some might find it helpful! [url]http://w 16 years ago
- post peepee teepee??? omg... my oldest did that one time - and got himself in the face. oddly enough, after that, he never peed without a di 16 years ago
- post oh crap, Temp! That is so not cool... i hate people who pull that shit. 16 years ago
- thread Thought this was... interesting.... lol!! [url]http://www.puzzlepirates.com/index.xhtml?from=fulltango&tag=no2[/url] 16 years ago
- thread Quoting from the Mafia OOC today.... "wedding gown fittings... coordinating caterer." Are you the lucky bride???? 16 years ago
- thread Did this for one of my guildmates. I'm trying to do her "brother" as well, but he's not cooperating the way I'd like. I'm getting better a 16 years ago
- thread Don't do may protraits. So since I am somewhat lacking in the appropriate clothing for the period and the fundage to aquire some.... CC 16 years ago
- thread I did this as a gift for a friend - it's actually supposed to look like her... not too bad, all things considered!! And she loved it - s 17 years ago
- thread Last year for christmas, my sisters BF got her this huge flat panel TV. Only downside was that it didn't come with a tuner - no big since w 17 years ago
- thread seriously. [URL]http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/florida/orl-mdrown1007oct10,0,6825213.story?track=rss[/URL] ok, I'm still tryin 17 years ago
- thread Even after being in Houston for over 4 years - I still do some of this stuff... and while living in the NW, I did all but 2 of them!!! :cute 17 years ago
- thread I want one. Seriously, I want one!!! [url]http://www.komotv.com/news/9854551.html[/url] 17 years ago
- thread Okay, I've been meaning to do this for awhile, but it just keeps slipping my mind... but for anyone who cares, this is what I look like. mor 17 years ago
- thread OMG. I actually finished something... I think. CC is welcome - I actually managed to save everything in such a way I can actually fix some 17 years ago
- thread a friend of mine is always sending me obnoxious websites so i returned the favor with assPope's peter pan trainwreck - so he sent me this in 17 years ago
- thread Okay, can't help it, went to Pirates last night, so feeling a bit inspired! :ahoy In 30 minutes (or less), sketch up your own rendition of 17 years ago
- thread I'm on a rental spree (something about being single... have time to catch up!!!) and picked this one up for 2 reasons - Hugh Jackman and it 17 years ago