Combined Threads - Formerly Officially A BOY!! + Water Broke!

I'm sure Mike's going to realllly appreciate this. So he and I are officially trying for our kiddo #2. We had unprotected sex last night, which marks the only other time we've EVER had unprotected sex. We grew up freaking out about unplanned pregnancies so we feel good about being able to plan our two. Don't get me wrong, surprises are good too - but I kinda don't like being surprised hehe. Especially since I'm diabetic so I have to come off a lot of medication. So I'm checking my blood pressure everyday and sugar. Anyway - if it's anything like Catherine, I'll be pregnant by next week O_o

Cross your fingers!

Den 17 years ago
Huh - the only ultrasound I've ever had was vaginal, and I don't recall it being unpleasant...:S lol
Sarah 17 years ago
Hey Roz, how are you feeling? Any morning sickness?
ROzbeans 17 years ago
No morning sickness, I didn't have any with Catherine either. /knock on wood
Sarah 17 years ago
Is this the part where I get to call you a lucky bitch or just wish you well. I'm soooo confused.
ROzbeans 17 years ago
Maelgrim 17 years ago
ROzbeans 17 years ago
We saw the baby today and got to listen to its heartbeat! They have the baby pegged at around 8weeks but my due date is still approx 2/11/07. Everything looked fine, its little heart was all pumping and churnin'! It was such a relief to see the baby growing, I had been so worried but the doctor seemed really confident and happy for us. Squee!

Mike replied, 'See, I told you. I'm sleepy.'

So he grabbed lunch and went back to work lol. le !
Sarah 17 years ago
Yay! Happy first baby pictures!
Lolanae 17 years ago
Grats, Roz! Glad you got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. I swear, hearing the heartbeat is the biggest relief causing thing ever.
Tor 17 years ago
Lessa 17 years ago
MoonLily 17 years ago
So am I going to be slapped when I say "bet it's going to be a valentine's day baby" ? Then again lots of doctors push for an earlier delivery when the mama is diabetic. Gosh, I'm still so excited for you! (Mines only like seven wks now.. I am so not acting on the small urge to have another. What amazing self control you say? Nah... hubby is on a different continent =P )
Vishanti 17 years ago
I know that's not what it's supposed to be, but the way that babystrology image is animated... sometimes part of it looks like a li'l pecker waving hello.
ROzbeans 17 years ago
10 weeks today! le I'm hoping in a month I'll start to show instead of looking like I'm getting fatter =x
Tor 17 years ago
*laughter* My roommate just crossed that line - people are putting hands on her belly instead of giving her frowny looks. She isn't sure which she likes less, but she's happy to be out of the pudgy phase.
Lolanae 17 years ago
My belly has started to round out and look preggo rather than fat. I'm glad cause it was getting frustrating. So far I've only had one person touch my belly, and she got an evil look in return from me. lol
Vishanti 17 years ago
/knock on wood
That's what caused this in the first place, isn't it? ghfive
ROzbeans 17 years ago
My belly has started to round out and look preggo rather than fat. I'm glad cause it was getting frustrating. So far I've only had one person touch my belly, and she got an evil look in return from me. lol

I read about your sick experience, Lolanae =( Hope you're feeling better!
Lolanae 17 years ago
Oh lord yes. I'm happy to have my "normal" preggo aches/pains/ect. back. Day or two after I was sick, my hip started hurting again. I called the hubby at work and was all excited my normal aches were back. He about fell out of his chair laughing.
ROzbeans 17 years ago
I'm just mostly tired but sleeping has been horrible. I'm just not comfortable at all and damn I'm not even showing yet. I can't imagine when I'm as big as a house =/