ROUND 6 - OOC dicussion

Lynch - Myraan
Mafia hit - Nickenstien/Professor Vanderkrumpt

Vulash 14 years ago
Gongaa are you going to vote?
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Aren't you guys glad the boards aren't fucked up right now? =D
Vulash 14 years ago
If Gongaa is going to have a convenient "internet went out" moment that could mean they are both townies
Greywood 14 years ago
Gongaa 14 years ago
Yah, I'm going to. If the person I vote for turns out to be a townie though, I'm totally fucked since it looks like I'm the one and only deciding vote. This shit sucks.
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
If you're a townie and you think they both have equal evidence, please join us and save Sara and STOP THE TIE!!!
ROzbeans 14 years ago
2 minutes
Greywood 14 years ago
I would think they ARE both townies...told you i suspected that!
ROzbeans 14 years ago
1 minute
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
I love you Gongaa <3
Greywood 14 years ago
Vulash 14 years ago's done. At least gongaa did vote
ROzbeans 14 years ago
thread closed
Greywood 14 years ago
If not, i know who i'm voting to lynch next...assuming i haven't made myself a huge target for a hit already
Verileah 14 years ago
Yeah, that really did take some balls if Gongaa is innocent after all.
Vulash 14 years ago
He's not - look at the lists of who voted for who? One is fairly safe and the other includes all the suspicious people left except you lol
Vulash 14 years ago
Are all the SKIDS in and closed Roz?
Greywood 14 years ago
GG, we are boned.
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
Well look, there's a fair chance they're both townies. The important thing is that we haven't lynched two people.
Vulash 14 years ago
Binky I hate to say it but you just got influenced pretty heavily, and I'm fairly certain we've lost the game. We'll know for sure once the skids come back.